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Old Friend

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Everything posted by Old Friend

  1. Old Friend

    Start With Why

    You did. I'm not sure why you think I care who responds. I don't. At all. I knew if some guys read it, given their distaste for Dakich, it would rile them up. Statement of fact. What I love is the simple fact. This is a free chat board filled with guys who know very little about each other, and one of the more passionate topics is whether some like or don't like a radio host who happens to be a former Hoosier player and coach. Pointing out why I like the guy would upset some.people. I knew it....and said so. I love it from the standpoint of, like you, it makes me laugh. One guy wants me banned because of it. None of that matters much, but if I wanted responses, I'd have posted it in a more popular place. Whether or not you or any other have the app never crossed my mind. I don't use the app and choose to read what I choose to read. I didn't know how the app works. Which means I had no intention of posting for responses from guys who use it.
  2. Old Friend

    2019 Off-Season IU Roster News and Moves

    Interesting question. Looking over the roster, I'm having a hard time finding minutes for Anderson and maybe for Thompson. Last season, we had a pretty clear bottom...guys who wouldn't play. If Hunter's healthy and can play a normal season, he'll take minutes from Durham, Franklin, Thompson, and Smith. Smith's a kid who'd better get it figured out this season, or he'll be outside looking in, too. We only have 11 players, but I love our depth and our size. I think he and everyone are being careful with words about Hunter because he's not in the clear until....he is. Thanks for that terrific synopsis above. A couple of takeaways... I agree with him about Brunk. That was a fantastic add. Said so at the time and believe it even more now. He has a personality IU fans will absolutely love. Nice to hear about Green. I saw some of that late last season, and I'm glad he substantiated what I thought I saw. I love and have always loved Phinisee. I know Archie didn't recruit him so may not have known what he was getting, but I still say by the time that kid graduates, he'll be high on many fans' "favorites" list. I wish he hadn't had the concussion last season. I'm sold on the guy. Not because of anything he said tonight or anything in his background. I am sold specifically because he's no BS and because I saw him learn a year ago. I saw a difference in the way his kids played (Green in particular), which means they bought in; I see a difference in recruiting; and I saw kids leave who weren't going to succeed here. Overall, I'm a buyer.
  3. Old Friend

    Start With Why

    That actually made me laugh. Thank you. I feel like a.....what, 4th grader again? Seriously. Thank you. =)
  4. Old Friend

    Start With Why

    Hhhmm...where to start. 1) I do not enjoy pissing people off. False. I DO enjoy debate and being challenged, though. Keeps me sharp, and there is no shortage of people willing to engage here. Most of the time, I love the conversation and the back and forth. I also don't want to "fight." Debate? Yep. Absolutely. To be fair to myself, when I post anything of substance, I haven't been wrong much, and when I post my opinion, I enjoy defending it. I'll own that all day long. 2) I find it interesting that you think I was fishing for responses. I posted this in the off topic forum. Did you even stop to consider how few people actually read this forum before you made that comment? You know the answer as well as I do. If I wanted responses, I'd have posted it in the basketball forum. All I said was I know it'd rile some guys up...and it did. Is it really that hard for you to accept that I posted that simply for the face value of it? (Granted, with fair warning) Dakich has the highest rated daytime radio show in Indiana, so it's not like I'm the only one who likes the guy, or better said his radio show. There has been plenty of discussion about him with very few taking his side. This interview shows why I feel the way I do. Done. End of discussion. But to you? NO!! There just HAS to be something more, and it HAS to be some self serving thing for me, right? You wouldn't be satisfied otherwise in this case. Like I said...I knew it would rile some guys up who just HATE the guy and can't stand that I like him. And I mean that. If someone else did? You wouldn't care, and I know it. 3) The name calling had nothing at all to do with why I liked that segment. Zero (You don't "know me" as well as you suggest). I am not a school girl who giggles at the word "a$$." 4) Regarding your last comment..like I said, I posted it where I knew it wouldn't get many eyes. If I had an agenda, I'd have chosen a different forum and made the mods move it. I couldn't care less who responds to something like this. You don't believe me, but it was simply an example to show why I like him and why I have made comments to that effect. Dakich entertains me and he doesn't ever back down. I like that and I appreciate his style, which this segment showed. Many don't, which is fine, but this was in no way intended the way you presented. Bottom line? I used that segment as an example for anyone who might have been interested in learning why I defend the guy. I knew some would be upset that I posted it and they were. Hell, one snowflake wants the mods involved (seriously????). But that's all there was to it. You're making WAY more of it than was intended....which is on you. Edit : I have 3 kids at 2 schools playing football (2) and fall baseball (1), a busy job, a boatload of personal crap in my world; and three different and equally important volunteer ventures right now. The very last thing in the world I need is a "fight," and the next to last thing I need are "responses." This is entertainment to me. A quick escape to a place where people love the same basic thing I do (Indiana University athletics). Any personal analysis you choose to do is your own exercise, but you're off on this one. I would FAR rather be treated as the guy at the bar as you suggest. Yeah, the opinionated guy, but who wants to sit next to the boring guy who nods his head? I do get a big kick out of the ire I seem to bring out in some people...in this case because I dare defend a radio host they don't like.
  5. Old Friend

    Start With Why

    I thought it was an entertaining interview from 3 years ago that showed why I like the guy. Nothing more. The whining about it entertains me, though.
  6. Old Friend

    Start With Why

    You seriously think this warrants a step in by the mods? Get a grip. You're telling me..objectively..you weren't entertained by that? Did you listen to it? Entertainment, amigo. This is not something you had to open, and because you don't care for it doesn't mean you have to ask to have it removed or me to get in trouble. Good grief. "I don't like this! Mods..help me!!!" Want any cheese with that?
  7. Old Friend

    IUFB Offseason Updates

    His deeper throws have a hump in them. That's truth. Verified to me by 2 different media members who attended practice within the last 2 weeks. He was last in the NCAA top 50 in YPA last season. You aren't last in that category (with plenty of yards) unless your specialty is short throws w YAC. There is NO proof that Ramsey can make the longer throws with consistency. Love you...but disagree on this topic and have for 2 years.
  8. Old Friend

    IUFB Offseason Updates

    Don Fischer said today James reminds him of Anthony Thompson. That's not some guy using those words. That's Don Fisher. I'm excited to see that kid...because I KNOW what Cole Gest was, and he was a b*tch to bring down and absolutely brought it every play. The RB position might be damned good.
  9. Old Friend

    IUFB Offseason Updates

    And finally, Tom Allen makes a decision that's not conservative and in the best interest of winning.
  10. Old Friend

    Colts / NFL Game Thread

    Last word. Until YOU have to have it. Sleep tight
  11. Old Friend

    Colts / NFL Game Thread

    And in this cage, we have "here to pick a fight guy." Otherwise known as "internet tough guy." Dude, you're a rube. You have been in every thread where I've seen your name, and I have no interest in explaining why I said what I did. I promise it's not as simple as you wish it was and I never said Sudfeld sucked or didn't suck. You didn't comprehend what I said or meant at all. Stay in your lane. Your very slow lane. And turn off your blinker.
  12. Old Friend

    Colts / NFL Game Thread

    It seems the "players who played at IU are better than those who played anywhere else" has bled over to football. I'm smiling. Nate Sudfeld.
  13. Old Friend

    Colts / NFL Game Thread

    Dan says all the time "no one eats their own like Indiana," and the bile I see toward him here sort of proves it. I always chuckle at the level to which people get fired up about how much they don't like him (or better said his radio personality). But they all seem to know what it is. Which means they listen. So he wins.
  14. Old Friend

    Colts / NFL Game Thread

    Because I love to see you guys get all fired up about it.
  15. Old Friend

    Colts / NFL Game Thread

    I'm not really in any mood to argue, but in one scenario, he's in effect letting down a team, a fan base, and a management staff by not allowing the team to prepare for this event. In the other scenario, one guy gets let down; and any player of his caliber would know the end is near when that announcement comes. How many star athletes do you think are surprised by their termination notice? Sorry, but I think your point is completely myopic.
  16. Old Friend

    Colts / NFL Game Thread

    Has nothing to do with not respecting his health. It has to do with the timing. Emotional reaction that's completely understandable. This team was built around him. For the next decade. Jim Irsay was crucified in the media for saying Luck's biggest problem was between his ears; and if Luck knew this was even a remote possibility, he needed to let the Colts' brass know so they would be in a better position than they are now. Locally, he has always come across (to me, anyway) as someone who wasn't really all in. Who didn't truly love being an NFL quarterback and certainly an uncomfortable and unwilling leader. He said it himself tonight. He just liked throwing the ball to his friends. He came across as eccentric and odd. Saying things like he was "emotionally scarred" from his injury in 2016. Now? He's left the team in a horrible position. Not because he retired, but because he retired 2 weeks before the season opener when the Colts did nothing to replace him or even bring in a draft pick.
  17. Old Friend

    Colts / NFL Game Thread

    I feel like the Irish guy in a Scottish bar here, but I feel compelled to say Dakich called this a long time ago. I like the guy because he doesn't say what everyone else wants to hear, and he's right all the time about the stuff people don't want to hear. (Queue knives, mugs, and rocks thrown at my head as I dive out the door)
  18. Old Friend

    Fred Glass Retiring

    That wouldn't surprise me at all. Michael McRobbie is not someone who likes opposition, and in some ways, he's done very well for Indiana University. In others? He's been a disaster. But...the endowment has grown exponentially; the place looks incredible; more and more applications are being received from international students and from students "out of state." In his eyes, he's doing well. I just wish he didn't siphon money from athletics and give to academia. But...he does.
  19. Old Friend

    Fred Glass Retiring

    Couple of good people have run recently; but votes are scarce. The current trustees are entitled, arrogant, and devoid of ideas except on research, buildings with names on them, and celebrations like the current 150 Year. Pat Shoulders for example? A complete yes man for McRobbie and as entitled a guy as you'll ever meet. He has no interest in stirring the pot where he lives. Most are like that, and the two I know of (Dr. Mike Wilcox in particular) who have run recently and been defeated think like many here do. Most don't.
  20. Old Friend

    Ed Schilling Leaving, Mike Roberts Arriving

    Dude, you have absolutely no idea what you're talking about. You're fishing. I'm not biting. And you're throwing out jabs with no merit because you don't know what else to do. Why not be a normal human being and ask for the same stuff I talked about (on my end) w Chris? You'd rather pick a fight? You're that insecure because you don't have intel on something you have to go on the offensive and assume nobody else can possibly be telling the truth? I'm 100% not trying to "big time" anyone. A public board does not mean everyone has to share everything or everyone they know. You've de-railed the thread enough. Sleep tight.
  21. Old Friend

    Ed Schilling Leaving, Mike Roberts Arriving

    You're living it. I'm not here to fight with you, but it's a very petty thing to assume the worst of someone because he won't spill some things on a public board. And that's on you, not me.
  22. Old Friend

    Ed Schilling Leaving, Mike Roberts Arriving

    Probably because the contract isn't done.
  23. Old Friend

    Ed Schilling Leaving, Mike Roberts Arriving

    That would make it easier for you, wouldn't it? Someone so starved for decent information that he comes to a public message board looking for pieces of....who knows what? Finds some people who actually do know a little bit but won't mention names publicly or tell stories others would prefer to stay private and it just drives them NUTS!! So...they post things like you just did and pretend nobody here could possibly know anything about anything, and paints people into a corner. Something about.....textbook.
  24. Old Friend

    Ed Schilling Leaving, Mike Roberts Arriving

    YES!!!!! I can get completely on.board with that.
  25. Old Friend

    Ed Schilling Leaving, Mike Roberts Arriving

    Good. He's not for you. But he's also not a complete dick. His day job is to get ratings. Like Rush Limbaugh, he says outrageous things so people will call and get all amped up one way or the other. I doubt he believes much of the outrageous stuff he says. You can make a judgement off his radio personality if you want to, but I know him. And I know his friends. A complete dick he is not.