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Everything posted by jonz44

  1. A lot of teams/coaches take their foot off the throttle when they get a big lead. Most coaches aren't out to embarrass because they know someday the shoe will be on the other foot. Especially MSU
  2. The only reason we did better in the second half is because Wisky let up. They CRUSHED IU to stay the second half. Major crushed!
  3. it's not necessarily the first time or the second time that bothers folks. It's the third, fourth, fifth, six, seventh...aww hell, ya know what I mean! Lol
  4. WTH?I woke up and I agree somewhat with one of your post! Jk I actually do agree with the gist of this. I think he has done some good things but the level he's at isn't the destination. He has to step it up from where he's at. I do believe that part of that is trusting what he believes in. I also believe a reevaluation of some of his philosophy might be profitable. He maybe doesn't need to ditch his system but he needs to make some adjustments. It's gonna make it break him IMO. People can change but they have to see the necessity of it first. Not sure he does.
  5. jonz44

    Big Ten Record Prediction

    Any team that is paying attention has the blueprint. Play physical on defense against IU and if you have a decent big man then dump it inside over and over. Doesn't mean they can all execute and it doesn't mean IU can't shoot lights out and steal an upset. If IU goes 4 and 4? It's going to be a pivotal time for this team and this coach. Gotta make hay while the sun shines.
  6. Actually just about equal...but I agree with your thought process.
  7. Made this point last night...he seemed not to consider it relevant. Lol personally I can't say that I think he has done appreciably better than Davis.
  8. I do believe that Crean has done some very positive things. I also believe that he's at a crossroads. At times he seems incredibly arrogant. The "I'm the smartest man in the room thing" and it's never his fault. It can't ALWAYS be the failure of the players to execute his game plan. Until a person sees a need to change they never will. There are some things he might want to consider changing. He's not been an overwhelming success yet. People can change. Maybe he needs to consider changing a little.
  9. In Creans second year there were no expectations. You are trying to dismiss his first three years and I'm not holding him responsible necessarily for his record but they do exist and he had no expectations. I didn't use the term "real", you did. You originally made a derisive reference to Davis and I compared their situations. You referenced the fact that Crean basically lost the whole team versus what Davis had. You can't use the circumstances of those first few years to define how difficult Crean had it then ignore them and use his "real"second year. Give credit to Davis. He got his group further than Crean did in his "real"second year. I just stated that I felt David had more pressure on him than Crean did...or has. I get it. You like Crean. Facts? Not sure Crean is really any better than Davis. Argue with logic like this? I'd hope not. As far as Bo being gone by 2005? You know what he did his first four years at Wisky? Better than Crean in his first four "real"years at IU.
  10. There were no expectations for Crean. None! There were expectations on Davis. You made the original comment about Davis. I'm my opinion Davis was a nice guy who was in over his head. Crean? nice guy who might be in over his head?
  11. He replaced Bob Knight. Crean? Sampson...he couldn't be any worse! Nowhere to go but up. Absolutely no expectation for Crean the first three years and very little the fourth. Most people had them slotted for the NIT. Davis? He made the NC game with Jefferies and company. Crean with Zeller and Victor...made the sweet sixteen? I'd argue that in some ways Davis had a lot more pressure on him than Crean did and had no previous experience to learn from or draw on.
  12. Mike Davis got outta town after six years...Creans clock is ticking.
  13. jonz44

    IU v. Wisco Game Thread 2/3 7pm on ESPN

    When Crean took over there was nowhere to go but up. The only variables were how fast and how far. I can't say that I think he has over achieved on either variable. I do truly believe that he is at a crucial point. He needs to show that he can get past the previous levels he has reached and get into the upper echelon. I think he will get at least this year and next...maybe more to show whether he can or not. All I've got to judge him on is his track record. Sooner or later that defines you. We'll see.
  14. You realize that if you are EFFECTIVELY coaching outside of game night...the result will show up on game night? The season is a process and if at the end of that process your team is going out in the first or second round ninety percent of the time...reevaluate your method.
  15. jonz44

    IU v. Wisco Game Thread 2/3 7pm on ESPN

    You seem to give him a pass on everything. You set no tangible goals. If you aim for nothing you'll usually hit it.
  16. Bo pulls them after a mistake? He's got nothing on TC! TC pulls them after they make a couple of threes! Players make plays?TC has nothing to do with on court success or failure? What the hell we need him for then? They fail because they don't follow his play call? But succeed because he gives them freedom? This sounds like a Tom Crean press conference!
  17. If he has no responsibility when they play piss poor basketball then he he gets no credit when they play "an exciting, appealing, attacking" basketball. If he gets credit when they do well then he gets blamed when they jack up.
  18. Going by that reasoning then Crean has absolutely nothing to do with it when they hit threes, slam dunks, or anything else.
  19. I would assume they are following his play call so yeah it is on him just as much as them.
  20. have you seen us try and get the ball inbounds against pressure?
  21. jonz44

    IU v. Wisco Game Thread 2/3 7pm on ESPN

    You seem to like him. It doesn't seem you have much of a goal you want him to reach. In his coaching career there is nothing that leads me to believe that he will consistently make deep runs in the tournament. Can't say that I really see much of a standard of excellence in what you say...which will make it easy for him to be successful in your eyes I guess.
  22. Someone made the point earlier that Indiana isn't now what they were when Crean took over. He has improved them but I think his track record implies that he has reached his ceiling.
  23. jonz44

    IU v. Wisco Game Thread 2/3 7pm on ESPN

    I don't mind your thought process. I do disagree with it some though. Lol I would ask. What standard do you think Creans teams perform to? What do you feel is the appropriate level of accomplishment?
  24. jonz44

    IU v. Wisco Game Thread 2/3 7pm on ESPN

    Crean has had pros and he's won NC...ahhh poop! He ain't won none so...oh well. Down years? That's not even a close comparison!
  25. If you go back and read I said I mis-typed. Just totally pissed.