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Everything posted by Myrmidon76

  1. Myrmidon76

    Thoughts on the Games in Indy Last Night

    Only important box score stat from the KU/UK game that matters IMO....KU assists..5. 5 freaking assists. They took nearly the same amount of shots between the teams and UK only outrebounded them by 5. That being said, I think I will wait until April before I crown anyone champion. UK is big, but not unbeatable...its not Ivan Drago out there.
  2. Not worried about April's instincts, but I am very concerned about the complete lack of understanding of the offense and his role in it. I know the retort will be that he hasn't practices due to injury and all, but it didn't appear that he knew the plays at all. All that time to know the playbook and he looked like Tijan at the top of the key. The warning signs were there...I mean he did commit to the University of Indiana. Writing this one off...he be gone in a year or so.
  3. Myrmidon76

    Austin Hatch

    Having a little fun here....couldn't they spike a glass of milk like they did on the A Team? In all seriousness, good luck to Hatch.
  4. Myrmidon76

    JBJ - How Long?

    I know this was a serious question, but I can't help but think to myself "The guy hasn't scored an official point yet." I don't mind if folks are curious, say, at the beginning of conference play, but let's take a step back. Blackmon is good, when he fully commits himself to playing defense, he could be great.
  5. Myrmidon76


    Good. Twitter is like walking around with a megaphone that's always on.
  6. Myrmidon76

    Etherington much happier @ Butler

    Curious to see how happy he is at the end of the season. Preseason jabbering is worth squat.
  7. Freshman, Sophomore, and Junior Sheehey could play in the NBA...the Senior version can not. I wish him luck.
  8. Myrmidon76

    A.J. Guyton

      Not to derail AJ's deserved admiration for being honored, but AJ's critcism were rather biased but accurate...my opinion of course, but certainly accurate in my mind.
  9. Myrmidon76

    Tony Barbee?

    We have the recruitng in place. Now that we are being forced to come back to recruiting Indiana/Midwest fulltime, we need an assistant willing to pull Crean aside and question his ingame situational awareness and adjustments. Not trying to turn this into a bashfest on Crean, but I prefer a coach instead of a recruiter. That being said, Barbee was an accessory to laying the foundation that has completely destroyed college basketball...dunno why anyone would want that on their sideline.
  10. My wow moment wasn't a play made in a game. It was introducing my children to Calbert Cheaney. Cal was extremely approachable and very responsive to the kids. Alford made me love Indiana, Calbert made me love the game.
  11. Myrmidon76

    Robert Carter Jr

    Indeed friend....Indeed.
  12. Myrmidon76

    Robert Carter Jr

    I am more afraid of Kenny steering DMV kids away from IU than instate kids. Since instate kids weren't exactly a high priority to Kenny, he didn't exactly build the bridges needed to be a serious recruiter here (this is my opinion and before anyone mentions JB jr., I contend Devin Booker had more to do with Blackmon committing to us than anyone on our staff). Our staff has always relied on Buckley/Crean to recruit Indiana. I welcome the notion we are returning to the bread and butter after this 2014 class. Hopefully, the 2015/2016 kids won't have egos the size of Texas.
  13. Myrmidon76

    Why aren't we recruiting guys from Indiana?

    That's fair, but I think it's safe to say that their association is mutually beneficial. Without the Indiana kids...there are no Elite Eights or a Final Four.
  14. Myrmidon76

    Why aren't we recruiting guys from Indiana?

    When KJ showed up, we got hooked on the DMV. Now that he's gone, I would expect Crean and company to realize it wasn't a DMV player committing to IU that put us on the recruiting map. We are in good shape for 15-16, but there is a worm that works for Michigan who has really set up shop in this state. Meyer has to learn that the state school gets first dibs...leftovers are for Purdue, Michigan, and Ohio State.
  15. Myrmidon76

    Open Scholarship spots

    Jurkin will graduate next year. Problem solved. His spot will be open for 2015. No need to go HAM on a great guy like Peter. He's had some very unfortunate medical situations that haven't allowed him to show what he can do. With so much time/experience lost, he will likely never see the floor. Peter is a great student and will easily finish his degree next year. I get the frustration, but just spend 5 minutes with Peter and you'll regret even thinking it.
  16. At least its over and done with. No more rescheduling, no more waffling. I think he would have enjoyed it here at Indiana, but who can honestly resist the allure of Bradley. I mean, come on, they've got...well, I am sure they are proud of their school. Good luck Josh! Make the most of your time at Bradley and whatever it is they do over there! ;)
  17. Myrmidon76

    Source: 6'7" Nate Ritchie to join Hoosiers

    In the video he is in Gray, number 24.
  18. Myrmidon76

    Matt Carlino to Marquette

    Carlinos dad is a nutjob. He's invaded this kids life too much.
  19. Myrmidon76

    Does Creans system create good shots?

    Hate to answer a question with a question, but ...do we set screens as a part of our offense...there's your answer.
  20. Myrmidon76

    Yogi and Stan Arrested....

    Excise cuffed me becasue they couldnt tel lthe difference between a freakin Fresca and a beer. I know the burning question you have is why on earth were you drinking a Fresca...easy to explain. It was hot, I was broke, some folks coming back form a cmapling trip gave it tom me. They leave and I start guzzling it and bam...excise rolls up and starts harrassing me. I didn't talk back or be disrespectful, but it took them like 10 minutes to understand that it was a Fresca and NOT a beer. Excise...eager to raise tax dollars, not so eager to understand law. Yogi screwed up at a time when a leader of a Division 1 basketball team CAN NOT be screwing up. I must say, some questions I had about the leadership of this team got answered. No discipline...no appreciation of the situation they are in.
  21. Myrmidon76

    Trey Lyles

      BAHAHAHAHAHA. Shouldn't we be apologizing to Tom though? :)
  22. Myrmidon76

    It's 2008, a look into the Crystal Ball

    The article proves one thing for certain, Crean does not possess the ability to change. This means were will not be seeing any specific setups for our guard heavy lineups next year. I see the same ole "3 up" play being run and (you got it) dribbling, dribbling, dribbling. Turnovers will be down, but not by much. I'll make a wager that our turnover numbers stay static throughout the year...zero improvement. If you are unwilling to change to make things work, you don't win. I hate to reference Knight here, but the man was right when he said "Get me to the FInal Four boys, I'll do the rest". Thats changing to win. Thats success. Do the things that make you successful, but you must change the things that don't. *Total Two-Hand Facepalm*
  23. Myrmidon76

    Kj's replacement

    Get an Indiana guy to be an actual assistant coach. Crean can handle the recruiting. He and Buckley did a fine job in the state prior to last season. No, this job shold be given to an IU guy. Give Fife, Michael Lewis, Guyton, Cheaney, even Greg Graham a look. We have no one on that bench that can educate player success at Indiana. These guys can. A hire like that might even call the dogs off of Crean until the season starts. Promoting Judson makes no sense. He hasn't the credentials to be an assistant coach at Indiana. If he wants to be Director of Ops and carry a clipboard..fine, but not an assistant. I see no measure of success from him as a coach or assistant to merit promotion. BE SMART HERE CREAN!!!!
  24. Myrmidon76

    Rick Adelman to Retire: Izzo to MIN?

    I don't think he goes, but if there was a time to consider it....this certainly is it. MSU is in full rebuild mode now with the graduations and early draft entry. Again, I don't see him doing it, but if he wanted to give it a try...this is the chance.
  25. Give a man a fish and he eats for a day. Teach a man to fish and he'll never know hunger again. Give a man a chart and he becomes as confused as the rest of us. Teach a man to make charts and he can make them show whatever he wants them to.     I don't buy into these things that much. We know who is graduating. We know we have a tremendous APR score. Once the Sampson years work their way through, I expect IU to be right near the top of the Big Ten in terms of academic success in its athletic programs.