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Everything posted by Myrmidon76

  1. Myrmidon76

    Sean Miller caught on phone

    I think it's very safe to say that any high level recruit that Arizona was actively recruiting should be under a cloud of suspicion. Rightly or wrongly....that's how it goes. I'll add that I'm not sure I'd add any of them...just too risky.
  2. Myrmidon76

    Sean Miller caught on phone

    Think that was supposed to read "Ayton and Miller" (the ESPN headline).
  3. Myrmidon76

    Indiana vs Ohio State Senior Night Game Thread

    Yeah...FT's are kind of a personal thing IMO. I wouldn't too much into the Dayton stats...those guys had gigantic holes throughout their game, but worked really well together as a team. FT's are just about reps and confidence. Indiana kids have been shooting FT's since they could hold a ball and if we are making Indiana kids our core...our ft percentages will rise naturally.
  4. Myrmidon76

    Indiana vs Ohio State Senior Night Game Thread

    Who's announcing the game inside Assembly Hall? That's not Chuck Crabb.
  5. You are passionate about your position, I can appreciate that. I am passionate about mine. I have watched college teams rise and fall. All of them had one thing in common, a desire to attract certain modern players. Players like those listed today. Players that, if discovered, would lead to program sanctions. Those programs always fail. Every single time. I am not against unreasonable updates to uniforms (lengthening the shorts back in the 80s-90s, widening the uniform top, altering logo). The void that was started today should be clear evidence that tradition means clean. If everything shakes out the way I think it will, Indiana and all it's hokey stuff will look like a rose. The dial will be at 11 all on its own. Besides, Archie rolled back the stuff Crean did at Hysteria and I don't see him reversing course on that.
  6. I consider myself blessed to not understand how or why immaterial, insignificant things should be overhauled to appeal to the non- basketball side of basketball. I'll cheer for the game, you can cheer for jerseys and hype shows.
  7. Jerseys don't win games. If kids choose a school based on jerseys, I don't want them here. Play for Indiana...not that Adidas or Nike jersey. Corruption starts by the eroding of things considered sacred and grows..always has, always will.
  8. Indiana is the embodiment of tradition. The very things you list are the things that have led to money rotting the sport from the inside out. I'll keep the stuff that doesn't appeal to the corrupt. It isn't about jerseys or hype nights here...and if that's all that really matters...my God...can't you see that everything those "cool" schools did cost them their decency? Corruption seeks those capable of being corrupted. Tradition is a deterrent to that very corruption. Indiana wasn't listed today. The rest of the bluebloods were...take some pride in that and quit wanting to be just like them.
  9. Myrmidon76

    College Bball Thread

    Didn't the IndyStar do a write up about Haarms? Thought they said he had diminished eligibility due to his extended stay in club ball. Something like a year was shaved off...don't recall exactly.
  10. Comment of the year (in reference to the ongoing corruption investigation) goes to the guy who said "Who honestly believed that an inner city kid with the IQ of a walnut could get into a prestigious college and wear $600 sneakers without corruption." Game. Set. Match.
  11. I keep seeing backlash as the go-to here. In all seriousness, can anyone cite an example of that being an issue with players going out of state? I'm honestly curious if that's a real thing.
  12. Continually b.s.ing a knowledgeable fanbase isn't a good (or advisable) business model. Not saying that isn't the case, not saying it is.
  13. If he does go there I wish him the best of luck trying to raise his stock in that situation. Today was a moment for Vandy to shine and they absolutely did not do that. As for the second part of your comment, I have no idea what you mean....so....yeah.
  14. I'd take my foul mouthed, hard nosed 4th-5th grade coach over that clown. Ya know, clown is the wrong word....fraud is more accurate.
  15. Not sure anybody really won in all that. It goes in the books as a W for Vandy in a forgettable season, but other than that.... queue the Price is Right fail horn.
  16. That game reminds me of the game show host at the end of Billy Madison "We are all now dumber because of that. I award you no points and may God have mercy on your soul." Truly an exercise of futility.
  17. That huddle audio is the worst. Might as well have said "When you shoot, make sure you're shooting to score." God that's awful.
  18. I thought that the "it will be cool to play with Darius" sounded like he was going to play some pickup ball while he was there. I imagine that playing/practicing at competition level (especially in this state) is a big chore for those kids and I know I would jump at the chance to just play for fun with my buddies... probably for the last time. I didn't see it anything more than that. No sunshine pumping, but I never got the vibe that the comments were pro anyone.
  19. So if I heard Langford correctly...he said that Vandys pitch to him is that he would be the best player to ever play at Vandy (that's gotta sting Darius) and that he would help them return to prominence. Thats a bit rich for me...to return to prominence, you've had to have had success. Measurable, tangible, significant success. The only thing I have ever known about Vandy is that they might knock off a big school now and then...maybe go deep in a preseason tournament, but never..ever sustained success to even remotely challenge SEC schools year in and out. Nice pitch Drew...maybe ground it in reality next time. A side note: if THAT is what Langford honestly believes and chooses to go there, they can have him.
  20. To hell with that guy. Hopefully, it's his last time in Assembly Hall.
  21. I gotta ask. If bigs (as a group) aren't a concern, then at least the 5 has to be. There's no guarantee that Davis will even be ready to go in October and even if he was, his foul troubles really hinder our defense inside. I agree that guards are the priority next year, but we must shore up the 5 or outright find a better option via transfer or juco. I like Davis, but the future is more physical and demanding...I'm not sure how he'll cope.
  22. Myrmidon76

    The Sky is Not Falling

    The packline defense is only as good as the ball pressure. When Seniors allow easy passing lanes on the perimeter its going to fall apart and 2 guys follow 1, it's all chasing at that point. Only Green and Durham have executed the defensive ball pressure that's needed. I'll be honest, it should concern fans more that we have upperclassmen who still define their effort on the offensive side of the ball. If they don't hit shots early, they fold. Archie is dead-on when he said we're soft. Specifically, the majority of our back court is soft. Archie was looking down the bench for players who are not there. It's really not on Archie and it's really not on Crean....it's on the players who shrink and define themselves by early offense. Sickening..absolutely sickening. If anyone still has the IPFW game on DVR, go back and take a peek....you'll see the same offenses performed by the same players in a completely different defensive scheme. Sit the senior guards to start on Sunday and seriously reduce Jones' minutes if he just wants to let a guy drive right by him uncontested. I need a drink....
  23. Myrmidon76

    Exhibition Game Thread: Marian University

    In regards to Johnson, the missed shots don't bother me as much as the lack of awareness or desire to feed the post. When the ball went inside...things went very well for us. Of all the guards....Johnson SEEMED miss the post feed the most. Jones was bad about it to begin with but settled in. That is a problem going forward. He likes to drive...you can see that a mile away, but the new offense almost demands a post insertion early in the possession to really let us do what we want to do. That is my sincere concern for Johnson going forward.
  24. Myrmidon76

    Exhibition Game Thread: Marian University

    Dead on with the nerves for the beginning of the game. I was a little concerned, but I will say that the defense never really panicked. There was also a vibe that you just knew the offense would begin to settle down and execute. There were certainly lineup combinations that didn't work well. I think the starting lineup will "evolve" as the kids jockey in the scheme.
  25. Myrmidon76

    Exhibition Game Thread: Marian University

    Bingo on the breakout. Should've given the ball back to the big running the floor. I hope he comes out of it, but right now he looks very uncomfortable.