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Everything posted by Chips&Dipo

  1. Chips&Dipo

    Coronavirus and Its Impact

    We can certainly disagree on points and I am open to dialogue, but what you are mentioning has nothing to do with the current administration notifying the Hill that the US is pulling out of WHO nor the perceived decline in the US's influence and respect in the world with our Allies and potential allies.
  2. Chips&Dipo

    Coronavirus and Its Impact

    We have been isolating and pushing away many of our real allies (Europe mainly, but Canada and parts of Asia as well) for the past four years in favor of more aggressive foreign policy (Chinese tariffs, threats to EU, pulling out of several international treaties). Some people see this as us not putting up with foreign influence, to at one end I understand, but I see it as us lessening our ability to influence international policy to the point where many of our traditional allies openly mock us and go out of their way to say they don't agree and won't be following our lead. WHO definitely dropped the ball and deserves criticism, but we should be using our power and money to fix the system - not create a GIGANTIC opening for other rich and powerful countries (China) to fill in a dictate international influence. We are seeing this exact same issue in other places in the world (Africa and South America) where our inaction and isolationist policies have created an opening for an authoritarian government (again, China) to come in and create influence. Foreign policy in the 21st century is not and cannot be the same as it was in the 20th. Bombing countries only works so much and it doesn't lead to long term peace and prosperity. Sorry for the soapbox. Also want to be clear, I am talking about governments, not people.
  3. Chips&Dipo

    Coronavirus and Its Impact

    They interviewed someone from the Harvard Global Institute and basically said as much. They continuously update the map based on the numbers, which is why it is a useful tool (in my opinion).
  4. Chips&Dipo

    Coronavirus and Its Impact

    https://globalepidemics.org/key-metrics-for-covid-suppression/ This came up on NPR this morning. Thought it would was a good tool. I don't understand why we didn't have something like this when we first started opening up (similar to terror alert after 9/11, which to me is way more difficult to pinpoint). *Note that it looks like the map has crashed, but hopefully is up soon. Here is a link to the NPR story which has a picture of the map.
  5. Chips&Dipo

    Coronavirus and Its Impact

    I have said before, by my wife works in health care and is tested somewhat regularly. She tests negative. I believe that in Indiana they are going to start requiring regular testing at long term care facilities for residents and employees soon and that requirement will slowly make its way to other healthcare facilities too (though most are already testing pretty regularly at this point.)
  6. Chips&Dipo

    Coronavirus and Its Impact

    I also have a lot of friends who are physicians and actually had dinner with three of them on Monday. Two of them are docs in Chicago and one in Indy. Here are some things that they said: 1. Socially distancing was and is the most effective way to prevent spread until we figure this thing out. They really harped on the fact we still don't know a lot about it, because it can be deadly for people (mostly people in high risk groups) in a number of ways. 2. Second spike is likely given the lax attitude people have been having and the protests. They are afraid that the genie will be hard to get back in the bottle when we get hit again. The two Chicago friends are especially nervous because they will be moving to New York next week for their new jobs. They are also really worried because if/when we get a second spike that means it will be COVID season, flu season (which also really stinks for medical folks), and likely another COVID. Side note - The Chicago friends were supposed to get married two weeks ago and I was to officiate. 3. Kids seem to be carriers. The Indy doctor works at Riley. She said that while she didn't treat any kids for COVID - she did have patients that ended up having it, not show symptoms, and it appears that they spread it to family members. That being said, they think schools need to open back up in some capacity with social distancing. The benefit of the social distancing is grossly outweighed by the poor education some students have received. I was told that this really shows the gap in socioecomic status for some kids and how it effects their education. Contribution from a teacher friend who was also there. We also touched on how some parts of the state and country don't have internet and you can't just say "e-learning!". Other points: Regarding Methodist - my neighbor is a Hospitalist at Methodist and she said that things are a LOT better, but she was telling us some horror stories back in April. She agrees that things should open back up, but also believes that this has been around since January (something I have been hearing a lot). Echos that a second spike is likely. From my perspective - I am an attorney for IU Health and things are starting to look more "normal" from a work perspective. Our COVID task force disbanded about three weeks ago and we will start allowing more visitation next week. That being said, we are anticipating a second wave and have really thought about how we will open back up. We are slowly allowing for more elective surgeries because we don't want to use all of our PPE and it looks like I will be working from home until further notice. Bonus from the Riley doctor - apparently kids have been eating more magnets lately? Surprisingly, that is extremely dangerous. For those with small kids - keep an eye out.
  7. Chips&Dipo

    College Bball Thread

    They had one Level 1 allegation. Kansas has FIVE Level 1 allegations.
  8. Chips&Dipo

    Positive news regarding coronavirus thread

    We live in Hamilton County and my wife works with the elderly population. We are younger - so the likelihood of us catching it, not showing any symptoms, and her going into work and causing an outbreak is a lot higher. We are trying to engage with our local businesses and continue living, but are doing our best to be responsible given our situation. We are fine being in outdoor areas and have continued to get carry out from our favorite spots.
  9. Chips&Dipo

    Positive news regarding coronavirus thread

    Went to an outdoor beer garden last week (still hesitant on eating inside of a restaurant). That was one of the finest beers I have ever had in my life.
  10. Chips&Dipo

    Positive news regarding coronavirus thread

    I will be working from home for the time being. Was finally allowed back into the office to get my monitors and equipment to set up in my home office. Needless to say, the dual monitor setup is BACK!
  11. Chips&Dipo

    IUBB - 2020 Off-Season News

    I thought this was really touching. I think seeing how close our team is now (especially compared to past years), bodes well for the future. I am not trying to tailspin this topic to anything that can result in divisive bantering between folks.
  12. Chips&Dipo

    Travel Thread

    My wife and I went to Mounds State Park yesterday. Not very big, but pretty cool experience. There are ancient (150 B.C.) native american structures, decent trails (I'd recommend the boardwalk, trail 2), and its a pretty short drive. You may have already been, but being from Southern Indiana I hadn't and really enjoyed myself. Anybody have any recommendations for kayaking? We bought some that should be delivered this week and want to take them out this weekend. We were thinking summit lake state park (we are wanting to go to all the state parks) but I haven't heard anything about it.
  13. Chips&Dipo

    Coronavirus and Its Impact

    Cross post from Positive news thread. https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2020/05/28/863944333/antibody-tests-point-to-lower-death-rate-for-the-coronavirus-than-first-thought Early results show that not as deadly as originally feared (though still more deadly than the flu). Also some shout outs for Indiana and IU.
  14. Chips&Dipo

    Positive news regarding coronavirus thread

    https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2020/05/28/863944333/antibody-tests-point-to-lower-death-rate-for-the-coronavirus-than-first-thought Early results show that not as deadly as originally feared (though still more deadly than the flu). Also some shout outs for Indiana (the State) and IU.
  15. Chips&Dipo

    Coronavirus and Its Impact

    Another example is cancer. My wife's uncle had pancreatic cancer but ultimately passed "because" of a heart attack, but his COD was cancer because without him having cancer and being on chemotherapy, he would not have had a heart attack. I was reading an article yesterday stating that the reason most infectious disease scientists and doctors believe the numbers are low is because places were not counting deaths early on, February and March, as deaths caused or a result of that person having COVID. Those people "died" of something else and so they listed it as that.
  16. Chips&Dipo

    Coronavirus and Its Impact

    I think planning ahead and setting expectations now is better than the whiplash that happened this year. By setting the stage now - students, teachers, and parents can better plan what the next academic school year will look like.
  17. Chips&Dipo

    IUBB - 2020 Off-Season News

    I just remembered him yelling "F*** YOU" to TJD late last season.
  18. Chips&Dipo

    IUBB - 2020 Off-Season News

    I don't think it makes us better, he was a leading contributor to the team last year. I do see it as an opportunity for Race or Jerome to step up and contribute. Race being more of the bruiser and Jerome potentially adding some much needed scoring (especially from the perimeter). I have confidence they are up to the challenge. Thank you Justin! Kelley degree in three years is awesome and is a positive mark on our program! Best of luck to him!
  19. Chips&Dipo

    Coronavirus and Its Impact

    Holy crap people are smart
  20. Chips&Dipo

    Coronavirus and Its Impact

    I would also blame politicians and the political climate in the US in furthering that divide.
  21. Chips&Dipo

    Book Thread

    I am an attorney for a hospital. One of my colleagues handles most of the employment contracts for physicians and was negotiating an employment contract for a youngish doctor (either our age or a bit older, so late 20s/early 30s) we were hiring. Her father ,who is a college professor (has a JD but not a practicing attorney), was the one who "negotiated" the employment contract with us. Apparently, he didn't add much in the way of legal negotiations and it was basically him being a helicopter parent. My friend couldn't believe that a DOCTOR still had parents that felt like they had to be involved with her FUTURE EMPLOYER. Apparently he said something along the lines of "someday she is going to have to do this herself". Uhhh, ya think? I would like to add that my parents had nothing to do with my employment negotiations (though several years of love and support to get me to that point).
  22. Chips&Dipo

    College Bball Thread

    Even though we ended up losing the game, him going off on Kentucky in 2009 (my freshman year) was one of the coolest/highest points of that season (we sucked). He was famous on campus after that. Too bad he hurt his leg.