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Posts posted by LookatthestonesonDolson

  1. Just now, NashvilleHoosier said:

    If looking in the mirror matters, sure. But if Stevens doesn't come, he was right and he wins. If he doesn't, he gave himself an out with his wording and he's got tons of IU fans giving him clicks and attention, which is also a win. 

    Just havin fun, not trying to debunk.  I HATE goodman. 

  2. 9 minutes ago, NashvilleHoosier said:

    Goodman is playing the game. He's worded things in a way now that he can easily say this was so tight-lipped nobody knew. But he knows who is paying attention....Indiana fans. He does a thing every once in a while where he rates the most annoying fanbases. The best way to get a bunch of people running to comment at you and get yourself a bunch of attention is to tell an entire fanbase they are annoying. If he's right, he's right and he wins. If he's wrong, he can just say nobody knows and he'll have tons of IU fans crushing him on twitter, then we become one of his most annoying fanbases, which keeps us coming. Goodman gets his attention and clicks, he wins. 

    Mirrors exist.  He hasn’t won.  

  3. 5 minutes ago, BayernFan said:

    NBA coaches are a dime a dozen.  He hasn’t lit the NBA on fire.  The DePauw guy had a good two year run in a weak conference.  Is that worth 8 mil a year?  Cali numbers?  Cmon. 

    what, exactly, makes him a Super Coach?  

    Hey, Purdue Pete, look at you.  Your team plays in tourney today, but you still want to be here.  So Purdue.  

  4. Flashback:

    For any of you that watched that phone interview of the two radio guys in Boston from a few days ago, when the soundbite was, “I am not.”

    Today, at some point, that over-ripe butterball who led the interview is going to crap his pants, and glad none of us will be there for the shrapnel. 

    One source of entertainment will be the crows sticking out of the mouths of talking heads as this becomes reality: I am talking to you

    Tim Brando (he is like an embodiment of polyester, dated)

    Jay Bilas

    Seth Greenburg

    Jeff “chipmunk” Goodman

    Jon Rothstein

    Matt Norlander

    and on...


  5. 11 minutes ago, AKHoosier said:

    This is what I've spent more time than I'd like to admit thinking about, who would be on Brad's staff.

    I'd have to think Ronald Nored and Michael Lewis would be shoe-ins. Other than that no idea. I know he might irk some, but man I'd like Dakich on the staff to be honest.

    Dakich has alienated too many associated with the University 

  6. 4 minutes ago, Bankshot said:

    I've seen, read, and know a decent amount about Brad's coaching skills and style while at Butler. But for those of us who didn't follow Butler quite as closely, can someone provide a quick summary of his general approach...type of player(s), roster construction, recruiting focus, offensive/defensive schemes, low turnovers/value the ball, etc.?

    Is it guard centric, wing centric? Long/tall wings? Traditional bigs or lo/hi? etc.


    Peep this



  7. Just now, tdhoosier said:

    I have not watched the Celtics much at all. I can't remember Steven's days at Butler either.

    I do know that he's very much respected for an X's and O's standpoint. If he were to come back to college, are there any insights to what his system would look like. Looking at you @bgleas :)...and others who would like to chime in. 

    Does he cater his system to the players or does he try and make the players fit into his system?
    Did he zone at Butler much? or was it pretty much man to man. 
    Does he spread the floor on offense and shoot? Is it fast paced? 

    Go back to the 2012 Crossroads Classic.  He outcoached the current Georgia coach with far less talent when we were ranked #1 in the country.  Vic hit a late clutch layup and then their WALK-ON point guard hit the dagger at the buzzer

  8. 8 minutes ago, Chris007 said:

    I know Jerry and he has some connections that make me jealous. He’s very well connected and a pretty cool guy. Believe what he is saying.

    Chris not needing to be the guy says a lot about him.  Listen up, folks. And, thanks much for all you have been sharing.  

  9. 6 minutes ago, dwtaylor1055 said:

    Goodman has no scope on IU, he's complaining that it's "dead" on Georgia street in downtown Indy.  Were in a global pandemic ya goof not many people will be out and about.  

    He should ask the NFL how the Super Bowl went when hosted here.  A$$hat=Goodman.  He is pissed he can’t find out anything about our coaching search. 

  10. 3 minutes ago, iu eyedoc said:

    It couldn't be lining up better to happen, with the Celtics starting to show cracks in player infighting on the sidelines, fan discontent, and uninspired play, this becomes an easy mutual parting sell.

    Ainge gets his, "We would like to thank Brad, but it has been agreed to by both parties that it is time to move on ," soundbite.

    Celtics end up with a $0 loss on the remaining contract.

    Stevens gets to not have lied about "quiting" as Celtics coach and make the move that adds tons of job and financial security, along with all different angles of improved quality of life.

    Perhaps the most level-headed idea I’ve read.  Thank you. 

  11. 6 minutes ago, MikeRoberts said:

    Maybe I missed it in the 10,000 pages here but I haven’t seen them really say anything. I know Chris has said we were going hard at him but what more is there? I see 0708 thinking our odds are better this time but what else is there?


    I feel like this board has created the smoke out of not really anything. It feels a lot like the smoke that was artificially created around donovan on TOS last time

    There is always one frowning person in a group photo. 
