In my mind (and my gut) - it is Brad until he says directly states “I will not be the next head coach of Indiana Basketball” or until we hire somebody else.
All signs seemed to point to Brad until (what I believe was) a smoke screen quieted things down. Since then, any noise has not been substantial - the way that I think Brad and Scott want things to be until Woodson is officially done.
I do not think we would still be hearing minor rumblings about Brad if the donors thought it was someone else, since that seems to be our main source of info here. I trust our insiders to honestly report what they are able to, and I believe what they were told early on.
Also, as far as I have seen, nobody has reported that a donor is upset with how the process is going. Even after the news broke that Brad “thoroughly appreciates being a Celtic and loves the people he gets to work with every day.” Maybe I missed something, but I would think that it would upset a donor if what we were told early on is true, and we would hear about it, because again that seems to be the info source here. JMO.
The reality is that nobody knows for sure until something is done and announced. Call me delusional. I’m okay with being wrong, and I will be optimistic about the future of the program regardless of who our next coach is. Go Hoosiers :)