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Tom White

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Everything posted by Tom White

  1. Tom White

    Fire Coach Woodson Thread

    But that was true for a whole bunch of people. They wanted someone who would reunite the "family" and, importantly to them, get Knight back into the hall for a game. Good grief, I remember hearing so many people say things like "He's one of Bobby's boys. He'll show 'em how it's done." People were absolutely delusional about it all. I still can't believe all the nonsense that was going around.
  2. Tom White

    Fire Coach Woodson Thread

    We hope they aren't ANY of the Roys, to be honest.
  3. Tom White

    Fire Coach Woodson Thread

    Well, he stays pretty busy as the color commentator for the Pacers. He'd record the games to watch later, but his Betamax just keeps blinking 12:00 at him.
  4. Tom White

    Fire Coach Woodson Thread

    Yeah, they know how message board fans will lap up everything they put out there, while over-reacting to every hint - especially if there is nothing to back it up. Naivety is their friend.
  5. Tom White

    Fire Coach Woodson Thread

    Yes. How could I forget her? (Well, by trying hard to forget her)
  6. Tom White

    Fire Coach Woodson Thread

    Ha! Also known as Casual *** Marie.
  7. Tom White

    Fire Coach Woodson Thread

    I think Yogi's mom used to post here.
  8. Tom White

    Fire Coach Woodson Thread

    Well, don't leave us hanging. Got a link, or a quote? EDIT: See you updated after I read your post. Sorry.
  9. Tom White

    Fire Coach Woodson Thread

    Love that clip!
  10. Tom White

    Fire Coach Woodson Thread

    Wouldn't you know it? The exact time frame I took that extra nap. Darn. HA! Thanks for refreshing my memory.
  11. Tom White

    Fire Coach Woodson Thread

    And had not been, for a long time.
  12. Tom White

    Fire Coach Woodson Thread

    I must have overslept. When did Isiah coach at the college level? I swear I don't remember that happening. As for his NBA coaching career? I do remember when he took over the Pacers, it was after they sent Tony Davis to Toronto for the draft rights to Jonathon Bender, Rik Smits retired, and Mark Jackson decided "God told him to go play in Toronto (I think it was Toronto). Yet in his time rebuilding the team, one year they had the best record in the Eastern Conference leading up to the All-Star break, making him the coach of the East in the NBA All-Star game. Then Bird decided he hated him and hired his old buddy Carlisle.
  13. Tom White

    Fire Coach Woodson Thread

    I keep seeing people (not just you) complain about "the administration" being inept and they have botched this or that or have screwed up everything for all of history. My problem with that is, that not all of the administration has been involved in a number of the "bad" decisions made over the years. Some were, to be sure. But let's remember Dolson and Whitten were not around for a lot of the previous decisions. Yes, the hiring of Woodson, and subsequent extension/raise was on their watch, but not the entirety of bad decisions can be laid at their feet. So, I don't think we can blame them for everything we might not like. So what else have Dolson and Whitten been a part of that sets you off?
  14. Tom White

    Fire Coach Woodson Thread

    I agree with this. Anyone else remember the old Perry Mason TV show? They would go through the whole story up to the trial, and then bring out a piece of heretofore unknown information which surprised and caught everyone off-guard, and often showed the prior "evidence" to be wrong. It was always annoying as heck, but they did it over and over. Sound familiar?
  15. Tom White

    Fire Coach Woodson Thread

    Well, for this team.........?
  16. Tom White

    Fire Coach Woodson Thread

    I may be wrong, but I remember his last hire as being Cignetti, and people seem to like that one.
  17. Tom White

    Fire Coach Woodson Thread

    I quit listening to his radio show years ago when he started injecting politics into everything. As to the "real" Dakich? I don't think there is one. Maybe there was a long time ago, but he is long gone now.
  18. Tom White

    Fire Coach Woodson Thread

    That's simple. The washer is the older child, the dryer is the younger one. Oh wait, you are talking about clothes washer and dryer? I thought you were talking about doing the dishes. Dumb me!
  19. Tom White

    Fire Coach Woodson Thread

    I would think any experienced AD has a "wish list" of coaches at the ready at all times. Whether it is actually needed or not, you have to be prepared.
  20. Tom White

    Fire Coach Woodson Thread

    I am amazed no one has ever used that as their screen name. It would be a classic.
  21. Tom White

    Fire Coach Woodson Thread

    I'm sure you meant that in some sort of humor, but it still sickens me.
  22. Tom White

    Fire Coach Woodson Thread

    It is a bit funny, in retrospect. I remember before the season, and early in the season, people were looking at the polls and complaining the people who voted in those polls were not giving IU enough "respect". Even to the point of calling the pollsters names and claiming a vendetta against IU, or at least that the pollsters were idiots and how we would show them to be idiots. My how things have changed.
  23. Tom White

    Fire Coach Woodson Thread

    And it's a train wreck at the same time. Well done.
  24. Tom White

    Fire Coach Woodson Thread

    Wasn't the guy quoted as saying he remembers Woody as a player? That would take the idea he is a "kid" out of the equation, wouldn't it?
  25. Tom White

    Fire Coach Woodson Thread

    I know that exact feeling. I had to take my Dad's keys away from him late in his life as his eyesight became worse and worse. It felt to both of us like robbing him of his independence, but for the safety of himself, Mom and anyone else on the road, it had to be done. Luckily, I and a couple of my siblings lived close by and could take he and Mom wherever they wanted to go, whenever they wanted.