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Everything posted by IndianaBB

  1. IndianaBB

    Coaching Carousel

    He truly believes his next step should naturally be at a blue blood program. I would say he just needs to get hired by any program in a power 5 conference. I question his ability to recruit at that level. Are kids at that level going to buy into the no respect or us against the world line of thinking. I don't know but possibly time will tell.
  2. IndianaBB

    Coaching Carousel

    Interesting read on Texas AD Patterson and BB coaching search. Seems Patterson wants Smart or Nova's Jay Wright. Comments on Marshall as not a good fit personality wise. I thought Texas would not warm up to Marshall's quirky personality. http://texas.scout.com/story/1532972-texas-hoops-search-focusing-on-smart
  3. IndianaBB

    Coaching Carousel

    I am sure Pickens will most likely throw some bank at this if he has his replacement guy is in the wings.
  4. IndianaBB

    Coaching Carousel

    Late night local news announced Oklahoma State's Travis Ford might be fired. If so, his buy out is 9.6 million dollars.
  5. IndianaBB

    Thoughts on WSU Coach Gregg Marshall

    It might be interesting to see Marshall at Texas. Would he be comfortable kissing the BIG donors rings? That might be something he could struggle with. Marshall is a guy that wants to create and or be the main topic. He's got that 3 fold at WSU because they do not have a football program. All Texas fans and especially mega donors all want to call the shots. Let's all see how this plays out. Could get interesting.
  6. IndianaBB

    Thoughts on WSU Coach Gregg Marshall

    I took a drive by on Shockernet.net and they are saying the show was not cancelled by Marshall. Something to the affect that it was never scheduled and was tentative based on the show topic of closing out the season. Still have to somewhat believe Marshall is taking time to meet and discuss his options etc.
  7. IndianaBB

    Thoughts on WSU Coach Gregg Marshall

    Marshall could just be listening to Bama's offer. He could be using that info to help him gauge his marketability value. I read via the net maybe Texas has some interest. Marshall has to understand that Texas & Alabama are first and foremost football schools. Which makes me think he would not like to coach a program that makes him second fiddle. He could be trying to squeeze a few more bills out of WSU. I still think he will coach his seniors at WSU next year.
  8. IndianaBB

    Sean Miller

    Miller might be light years ahead of Crean but he has consistently under performed with the talent he's had on the bench.
  9. IndianaBB

    Which coach would you rather have?

    Interesting thought. Self has had one player with academic issues that I remember reading online about. It would have been big man Darrel Arthur and involved his high school grade. I don't believe Kansas had any control over that and issue should have been monitored discovered by the NCAA's. Would I take Self, no, = stubborn, Roy, no, = academic fraud (he knew,) Miller, maybe, but under achiever in big games, Bo, no, good coach but not much of a fan, Few, will retire with the Zags. Would consider Stevens, Smart, Bryce Drew. PS. Billy Donovan would be a great catch.
  10. IndianaBB

    Barnes Out At Texas

    You have to look at Texas basketball before Rick Barnes. It was a complete joke and Barnes did a lot of improving over his 17 years as the head coach. But in the end he was horrible at in game adjustments and basically was thought as underachiever with his talent. But 16 NCAA tournament bids with 3 conference titles and a Final Four was much better than the previous coach. Anyone taking that job must understand football will always be way above basketball with Longhorn fans.
  11. IndianaBB

    Barnes Out At Texas

    Texas would be down grading going from Barnes to Crean. Barnes has had Texas in the NCAA tournament 16 out of 17 years while coaching there. Texas has a fairly new state of the art gym and top notch practice/ training facility. The Texas school has serious bank giving the school a lot of leverage on a coaching hire. Crean's not even going to get a call. The hot rumor is Smart or Marshall getting that call. I think Marshall is to quirky to make all the big donors comfortable and that is a must at Texas. Smart would be a great fit if he is willing to take the job.
  12. IndianaBB

    OT: Best Coach Names

    Limited action baseball player for Cub fans. Razor Shines.
  13. IndianaBB

    Dakich comments

    First off I am a huge fan of Bob Knight and I really like Dan Dakich. Dakich is very similar to coach Knight except he is a very sub average BB coach. Knight should have left maybe 5 years earlier but that firing etc. has left a mark on the program. I don't see Knight ever coming back. Call me crazy but I like Steve Alford and think he is slowly becoming a good coach but I doubt he would ever coach at IU because of BK. Since BK's firing we had some really bad hires. Davis not ready for prime time and Sampson was a complete ***hat. Coach Crean has completed his job by getting the program off life support. Its been a mess since 2006 and we should consider looking at the Blue Blood coaching trees. If not give Crean next year but still reach out quietly to Brad Stevens.
  14. IndianaBB

    Thoughts on WSU Coach Gregg Marshall

    Thanks for the comment mdn82. I wanted to agree with Josh and not try and disprove his post. Who cares about Kansas because this was about coach Marshall and if he would leave etc. I just thought he had more details to his general analysis.
  15. IndianaBB

    Thoughts on WSU Coach Gregg Marshall

    ^^ good post. Now break it down with some data analytics in regards to that overall analysis. Also, I really think that Marshall will stand by his seniors through graduation. Plus he will or should most likely have a another good year with WSU. He will be very picky on what program he will choose to coach. Alabama has zero shot.
  16. IndianaBB

    Thoughts on WSU Coach Gregg Marshall

    Spot on when it comes to Kansas as completely overrated. They do not have the pieces in place of past teams. Zero front court talent that was patched together with some players that would normally ride the pine. I was not shocked to see them beat this Kansas team. As far a Marshall leaving right now I would say no. Maybe after his returning seniors graduate next year.
  17. IndianaBB

    End of year grade?

    C- for entire season Tied Crush at 9 & 9 for a middle of the pack performance in conference play. Then closed out the season with a lose to a Mid Major in the first round of the NCAA's. Unacceptable.
  18. IndianaBB

    Thoughts on WSU Coach Gregg Marshall

    I remember a 2013 Yahoo Sports Blog, "The Dagger " by Blogger ? ? Eisenberg regarding Gregg Marshall. Some interesting comments about money, family and happiness. Might be a good read for some that want more general info on him.
  19. IndianaBB

    IUBB vs WSU Postgame :( Thread

    Back from the games and dinner. Seems the song remains the same and I have gone from uncomfortably numb to just plain numb. I really hope we have a coaching change maybe after next year. Big question will be who do they hire? Or who would consider taking the job?
  20. IndianaBB

    Assembly Hall

    LOL I am not going to trash a program to the level you think that will make you believe I am a TRULY an IU grad. Good grief.
  21. IndianaBB

    The 2015 NCAA Tournament Thread

    I have been watching some of the UCLA game. Affords son play reminds me of his dad. His shooting stroke is practically identical of his fathers.
  22. IndianaBB

    The 2015 NCAA Tournament Thread

    Rick Barnes is not a very good BB coach. He has survived because Texas football is all that matters to Texas. The guy gets talent but can't coach them up.
  23. IndianaBB

    Tom Crean to Alabama Rumor Thread

    Somwhat agree. Nebraska name brand was able to go out of state successfully for top players years ago. Some what like the Indiana brand was able to keep top talent in state like years ago. Different time and systems with top talent players having more options and handlers, AAU etc. I think it is really tuff to maintain a certain national level of competitveness than years past.
  24. IndianaBB

    Kentucky or the Field?

    I didn't even fill out a bracket this time. I just couldn't see myself writing UK all the way. I am going to watch as much of the tournament as possible. It is truly the greatest college sporting event no matter who wins.
  25. IndianaBB

    Kentucky or the Field?

    It is truly criminal that somehow a program is able to have that many talented players on a squad during a single season. It is really telling on what might be the ugliness of college recruiting in today's game. I was thinking it will take an Arizona, Duke etc. to match the size and length of their roster.