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Status Updates posted by Movementarian

  1. "They're great! They're perfect and nothing is wrong. Everything is fine. I'm really good at my job." https://t.co/Z7xJMpCcvF

  2. "Verbal govt approval" is definitely how stuff like this works. https://t.co/P4JI2He1yD

  3. “An ultimate troll move.” https://t.co/9PmGAmT8av

  4. @anthonydeangelo @Phil_Friend Making a Costco run for some Tums -- who needs some?

  5. @anthonydeangelo Vaping Congressman Does Thing

  6. @BigToddDont At least you weren't at Smith Point last night. They were playing the Willie Horton ad and Roger Ailes' other greatest hits

  7. @BJanosch Meat your maker, Meat and greet, More than meats the eye, Make ends meat, Meat me halfway ... at Arby's!

  8. @brooksza This man will never disappoint me https://t.co/s9dJ452oLi

  9. @crimsonquarry Did Kevin Wilson put Rutgers logos on those balls they use to simulate snaps or am I mistaken https://t.co/fXdVDmTqNF

  10. @edsbs Actually no this isn't what I was expecting Brogan Roback to look like https://t.co/JXxvqxg8uU

  11. @edsbs Brian Kelly current mood: Pleased https://t.co/ozj4yhOhnr

  12. @edsbs Brian Kelly Mood: Calm https://t.co/moGSRv5s0x

  13. @edsbs I turned this game on as Houston extended their lead from 17 to 24 and it broke my brain a little

  14. @EricDWest Yeah he's fine on ESPN but he gets too much radio time and starts coming up with some really bad hot takes

  15. @HarryLiberman Me, 2016 (smart): Peter Daou adds nothing to the discourse [unfollows him] Me, 2017 (dumb): I can't… https://t.co/YQmO2EGtvI

  16. @HarryLiberman These kids are standing on the shoulders of giants and they don’t even know it https://t.co/ZbP5HTjyPn

  17. @HarryLiberman Well that was weird. Gonna be a fun winter!

  18. @JeffreyToobin @SenGillibrand @alfranken @realDonaldTrump Hey @JeffreyToobin, should we talk more about this instea… https://t.co/7LtgAUOgjg

  19. @JimIrsay Ryan Grigson is ruining Andrew Luck's career. What are you doing?

  20. @JSlanderz @BigToddDont And he's now been fired by The Atlantic. So long, Cold Stone Steve Austin. https://t.co/usEpJDOZ18

  21. @JSlanderz In awe at the size of this lad. Absolute unit.

  22. @JSlanderz Yeah but that means you're 4 years older than homeboy right here. See a picture of Stephen Miller and re… https://t.co/TQVBVgxJAR

  23. @libbycwatson He more or less remembered to say the quiet part quiet. https://t.co/lz9IDbhhht

  24. @MattVallone Hull are in for some extremely historically bad things this year. Leicester should be destroying them

  25. @MattVallone Trump is just a Republican who says the loud part quietly and the quiet part loudly
