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Class of '66 Old Fart

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Everything posted by Class of '66 Old Fart

  1. Class of '66 Old Fart

    Hoetzel to transfer

    Amen brother, amen!
  2. Class of '66 Old Fart

    Tom Crean to Alabama Rumor Thread

    I don't think the size of the buyout makes any difference whatsoever.  With the amount of unrest among the fans and the mediocre past 2 seasons if CTC were going elsewhere other than by his choice I think that announcement would have already been made.  Why allow players to leave the program that might otherwise stay if CTC were gone?  He's reportedly been working the recruitment trail and you don't let him keep recruiting kids if you're Fred Glass and you know he's gone.  And while some might say his staying or going hinges on Bryant's announcement (whenever that is)  I can't buy into that argument either.  Bryant is not LeBron James or Tim Duncan.  He can possibly make a huge positive impact next season but I just don't think Glass is the kind of guy who would make a decision about the head coaching position based upon the decision of a single recruit.  And today I'm still old but I'm not cranky because I've had my afternoon nap!
  3. Class of '66 Old Fart

    2015 #IUBB Offseason Thread

    Maybe Crean should steal a page from the first Rocky movie where Burgess Meredith makes Rocky try to catch live chickens to improve his foot speed and reaction time.  But with our lack of defense this season, we'll have to start out trying to catch turtles and slowly work our way up to chickens.
  4. Class of '66 Old Fart

    Hoetzel to transfer

    Like last year we'll end up scrambling to find warm bodies so we have enough players to keep the dust off the bench.  IMO I don't see any meaningful contributions ever coming from Priller or April.  But I certainly never thought that about Max.
  5. Class of '66 Old Fart

    Hoetzel to transfer

    Max becomes domino #2; can't help but think there's more dominoes to fall.  So Stan leaves and Max leaves and we can again use the excuse next year that "we're a young team".  That phrase is becoming as trite as "yes, I'll still love you in the morning!"
  6. Class of '66 Old Fart

    2015 #IUBB Offseason Thread

    Great quote after the ND game:  "During that timeout, it wasn't about strategy – it was about defense and getting stops," Connaughton said. "It's something you feed off of. It's blood in the water. It's something you can't get enough of."   How refreshing that would be to hear that same quote next year from an IU player.  And at least for the weekend, I shall henceforth be known as O'Class of '66 Old Fart  --  GO IRISH
  7. Class of '66 Old Fart

    2015 #IUBB Offseason Thread

    I absolutely hope your'e right.
  8. Class of '66 Old Fart

    Top 10 ways you know that you're about to get "Creaned"

    This thread has been hilarious.  Kudos to everyone and their ingenuity and creativity.
  9. Class of '66 Old Fart

    Top 10 ways you know that you're about to get "Creaned"

    You visit BtownBanners.com and the thread on 'Top 10 Ways...' and read the press release that says you've transferred to be closer to home and get more playing time.
  10. Class of '66 Old Fart

    2015 #IUBB Offseason Thread

    Just don't see that happening.  I think Crean developed a real bond with DD in the aftermath of the accident and he has a place on the team almost guaranteed.  To me the question is the real severity of the accident and will Devin be able to get back to the point he is medically cleared to play and is able to play at the D-1 level.  Then you also have to consider what the NFL is going through with concussion effects and what happens if some idiot would undercut DD and he takes a bad fall or he gets an elbow shot to the temple.  I'm not trying to be Debbie Downer but Devin's future health is a lot more important than ever scoring another point or grabbing a rebound for IU.
  11. Class of '66 Old Fart

    Top 10 ways you know that you're about to get "Creaned"

    20.  CTC mimes his claps for you during practice.
  12. Class of '66 Old Fart

    2015 #IUBB Offseason Thread

    I'm old and cranky and you're pushing the rope a little too hard.  I've got 2 daughters and a son-in-law who are Butler grads and without a doubt Butler is my second favorite team.  :D
  13. Class of '66 Old Fart

    Stan Robinson transferring

    Have to agree.  His minutes slipped this year and why should he expect to see any increased playing time next year?  Call it Creaning if you will, but a coach should be upfront with every player at the end of the season and if there's little likelihood of increased playing time be honest and tell them.  It's then the player's decision on what he wants to do.  If CTC wanted him gone, he had opportunity earlier to kick him off the team for the now famous "violation of team rules" that many coaches use.  I'm not happy about the number of kids we've had leave the program the past several years but the facts are it is an epidemic in college basketball and almost every day there are announcements of player transfers.  It is what it is.
  14. Class of '66 Old Fart

    2015 #IUBB Offseason Thread

    And thus the silence has ended with the announcement that Robinson is leaving the program.  Still need at least 1 more to accommodate the 2 incoming freshman and maybe 2 more if Bryant or Maker ever make a decision (and the longer they delay the less likely I think it is that either picks IU).  The first domino has fallen; when does the next domino fall and who will be that domino?
  15. Class of '66 Old Fart

    2015 #IUBB Offseason Thread

    Another day has past and the silence is deafening.  End of season closeout meetings with the players surely have finished and the silence is deafening.  No word from Bryant or Maker and the silence is deafening.  No word whatsoever from the AD and the silence is deafening.   For god's sake will someone speak up, the silence is deafening and driving us all crazy.
  16. Class of '66 Old Fart

    Tom Crean to Alabama Rumor Thread

    Too much airplane expense flying all over the US to repeatedly watch recruits we'll never get.  There are more than enough quality basketball players in IN and the surrounding states.    Small towns like to say 'Shop Local' and I think that's what we should be doing more of in our recruiting. 
  17. Class of '66 Old Fart

    B/R: The Legend of Damon Bailey

  18. Class of '66 Old Fart

    B/R: The Legend of Damon Bailey

    Graham just recently resigned his high school coaching position.  He was quoted as saying his wife and children had been living out east for the past year where she had taken a job and it was simply not a good family situation with him remaining in Indpls.
  19. Class of '66 Old Fart

    Tom Crean to Alabama Rumor Thread

  20. Class of '66 Old Fart

    Troy Williams returning to IU!!!!!!

    Could it also imply that Yogi is returning as well?  Can't help but think they haven't been talking things over together.
  21. Class of '66 Old Fart

    2015 #IUBB Offseason Thread

    If that is indeed true - I'm just skeptical of FB comments in general - that suggests to me that CTC is not going anywhere.
  22. Class of '66 Old Fart

    Is IU Content to be Little Engine that Could?

    There well could be a conscious decision to never let either the head basketball or football coach achieve godlike status (RMK) to the point that the coach runs the athletic department and not the other way around.   Thus, a level somewhere just above mediocre may be the desired level for both IU basketball and football.   Make the NCAA just often enough; make a minor bowl periodically; don't be the league doormat and after awhile the fan base will be giddy and accept those lowly expectations.
  23. Class of '66 Old Fart

    2015 #IUBB Offseason Thread

    and learn to play defense.
  24. Class of '66 Old Fart

    2015 #IUBB Offseason Thread

    Fascinating reading but I think we'd all be well-served to wait several more days to have a much better idea of just what we'll have to work with next season.   IMO this year's entire roster is in flux not to mention the head coaching position and clarity on the latter issue is the first domino.   If CTC leaves, there will definitely be transfers and the probability that the 2 Missouri recruits decommit.  Also you can also likely eliminate Maker and/or Bryant as incoming freshmen for next season.  Do Yogi, Troy or JBJ attempt to go pro?  Will Devin Davis ever be able to play basketball again at the level he showed before the accident?  We're oversigned by 2 so we know that 2 have to go.  I'm not interested in speculating on names just pointing out that the uncertainty surrounding next season is at an unbelievable high.   Announcements will come sooner rather than later and within the week, I think we'll have much more concrete information at hand to talk about the off-season and speculate on next year.  But then again, I'm just old and cranky. 
  25. Class of '66 Old Fart

    Tom Crean to Alabama Rumor Thread

    Breaking news.  This just in.  Fred Glass has announced that CTC will remain as head coach of IU for 3 more years at which time Jim Boeheim will become IU's head coach.   :laugh:     Hoosier nation, be careful what you wish for.