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Everything posted by TrueHoosier62

  1. TrueHoosier62

    David Kenney could be a soothsayer....

    Come on IU football! Save us from the ravages of this past basketball season!
  2. TrueHoosier62


    This seems fair enough, though I have to ask, sincerely, what is DWS? You're right, my post went further than the others, (I apologize), but frankly, I remember a month ago when I wrote a similar post, and received similar responses to those received by TheRobbob. The moderator at that time didn't get involved until I took it "over the line". Had they stepped in before it got to that point, the conversation would likely have stayed civil and basketball related.  If people want to berate Crean or the team's play, particularly during this dissappointing season, then they should be allowed to voice that frustration. Since I think I can assume that Tom Crean isn't posting here under some alias, nor any of the players, nothing said regarding the team ought to be taken personally by those reading the post. Consequently, replies shouldn't be personal. That's all I was trying to get across. Thanks for addressing things.
  3. TrueHoosier62


     If it's "usual" to see people posting such ambiguous and frankly throw away lines such as "anyone who disagrees" then I would find it difficult to believe your feelings were seriously dealt a blow, but maybe I'm wrong.
  4. TrueHoosier62


      HoosierRed01,   MY COMMENTS are pretty close to violating the "no bashing rule"???   A person wrote a fairly straightforward post saying what many people have been saying here lately, lamenting the plight of the basketball team/season. He aired his opinions about what he perceived to be the issues, none of which, I might add, were directed towards anyone here, and certainly none of which could reasonably be taken as personal.   Here are samples of replies to his post:   "You kind of lose all credibility when you say that we don't run an offense. We very clearly do. That should be obvious to anyone who actually watches the game".   "I realize that it is a very complex offense, so if you are used to watching seventh graders, it might be a bit over your head to figure out what is going on".   "Why hello there, Captain Hyperbole. Roy Williams, John Calipari, and even Bob Knight must be 2 year olds".   "We should just hire this guy".   "I realize that it is a very complex offense, so if you are used to watching seventh graders, it might be a bit over your head to figure out what is going on".   "Think what I posted about simple people thinking too simple applies here".   These people called him everything but mentally challened, and that was meant to be personal. Consequently, as nothing was said in response to their sarcasm and piling on, I gave them a dose of their own medicine. I'm all for keeping things civil, but if we're going to "play nice", then it has to go both ways.
  5. TrueHoosier62


    To: TheRobbob:   I'm glad to see someone else echo the same points I'd made a month ago to the "Crean Crowd". Of course, your response to their blatant, personal, and belittling sarcasm better be kept in check! It's one thing for the "Crean Crowd" to do it; quite another indeed young man for you to think you can get away with it!  Take solace in this, my logical and sighted friend:  As this train wreck of a season comes skidding slowly down the tracks, you'll hear the "Crean Crowd in full throat, continue their masterful spin of the devastation, saying things like, "well, it could have been worse", or "just wait until Blackmon gets here", or my personal favorite "Well, at least Purdue didn't win it either". Just remember that these people are our brothers in the Cream and Crimson. Sure, they may be graduates from the Helen Keller school for the gifted, but we have to accept them and encourage them, and help them to develop those faculties, so tragically underdeveloped, through no fault of their own. Be kind, and be a big brother.  :yes:
  6. TrueHoosier62


    No problem Mamacita, no problem at all. My rather superficial insights of the game yesterday were in direct reply to the sarcasm directed at those of us who earlier deigned to question the used car salesman we have as coach. We aren't fooled by winning streaks, at home, against Big Ten opponents in an embarrassingly down year for the league. Being upset at my post is about as lunatic as some of the pious posts above, proclaiming vindication for having stood by the team. Those of us who have already stated our opinions on the subject, apparently are secure in our convictions, as opposed to those persons who feel threatened by criticism of the team, and therefore make it a bi-weekly point to spout delirious acceptance of mediocrity. It's like the average Kentucky teenage boy, beaming with pride after having just lost his innocence, confessing later that evening that he wasn't sure his sister would go along with the idea. It just doesn't mean anything.
  7. TrueHoosier62


    Oh, I enjoyed the win alright. I'm an IU fan all the way. But "concerned with the embarrassment of being wrong"???. LOLOLOLOLOL. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Good night Mr. Delusional.
  8. TrueHoosier62


    Crean showed the team a video of the second Joe Louis-Max Schmeling heavyweight title fight from 1938 to motivate his team."To play the way that we did without Noah, which we knew it was a possibility yesterday, we knew it was reality today, we had to answer the bell," Crean said. "We did."   Wow, what great coaching! I wonder if he quoted from "Rudy" too. Yawwwwnnnnnn.
  9. TrueHoosier62

    Rapid Reaction IU vs UW

    Yaaaawwwnnnn. Same ole, same ole. Great athletes, no plan, no adjustments, no mental toughness, no tenacity, quickly going nowhere. Next year we'll change the athletes around a bit, we'll still have no plan, no ability to adjust, no mental toughness and we'll receive tickets for a return trip to nowhere.  Yeah, that'll do it.
  10. TrueHoosier62

    Iowa @ IU, postponed.

    And all this time I thought the sentiment of "the IU basketball program is imploding" was only a metaphor. Oh well.....
  11. TrueHoosier62


      Listen Betty,   Just because you played ball doesn't make your opinion any more accurate than anyone elses, be it another fan's, player's, or coach's. So you played ball?! Big sh_ttin' deal. That doesn't mean your High School coach was worth a damn, or that your own play qualifies you as an expert of college ball, game plans, strategies, or team mascots. It may however give me cause to consider your opinion on the distribution of pop corn at half time. This team stinks because they've not been properly coached; not because they're too young. This team stinks because they've got more athletes than players. This team stinks because they have no shooters, are slow of foot on defense, and have no mental strength. Consequently, this team is outstanding at making passes to other players who're in no position to do anything with it, excellent at blowing leads, and we could win another banner, this very year, if the NCAA awarded the championship to the team best suited to turning the ball over on inbounds plays. We're going to lose Vonleh after this year, and quite possibly Yogi, -"give me the damned ball"- Ferrel. I don't care who comes in next year, the team will likely play the same way, and you, (and others like you), will still defend them for being "too young", and you, (and others like you), will be just as wrong next year. Stevens' Butler teams made it to the finals and consistently made it to the NCAA with a fraction of the talent, which shows you just how lacking Crean is in the coaching department. Oh yeah, they also played a style of game that resembled, you know, Indiana basketball. You can blindly stand by and support the team while Rome burns, but don't belittle the rest of us for pointing out that the Emperor has no clothes, or in this case, "The Coach has no Clue".
  12. TrueHoosier62


    There are two main ways to win a basketball championship these days. You can do as Kentucky and many other's are trying, by recruiting highly touted NBA ready high school kids that hopefully gel during the month of February of their Freshman year, and make a run in March;   OR,   You have to recruit, as Bob Knight used to, iron willed kids who're great shooters and defenders, who more than likely will hang around for three or four years.   You can't have a mix of the two. This is what Crean is attempting, and it won't work. Vonleh would be a fool to stay another year, and you can pretty much count on at least one other player currently on the team, transferring at the end of the year.
  13. TrueHoosier62


    Crean isn't the answer here. Once you accept that fact, then the solution is simple. You let him go. This isn't and shouldn't be a case of where we were, or where we are by comparison. The only question should be, "Do you believe coach Tom Crean can win a championship at Indiana"? If the answer is "No", or "I doubt it", or even, "I'm not sure", then you have to move on from him. This isn't Purdue we're talking about, it's Indiana. Purdue bases their hires and retains on the "hope and wish" approach to life. When you've won multiple national championships as we have, you don't settle for "hope and wish"; you go after someone you KNOW will have damn good shot of bringing home another banner. Tom Crean has done all he can, and we ought to be thankful for taking us this far, but truthfully, this is as far as he's capable of taking us. He has stopped the bleeding and allowed many of us to feel good about IU basketball again, but his snake oil salesman pitches, and his rah rah chants have worn thin. Instead of listening to his weekly tripe, people are beginning to see that the product on the floor these days is simply not very good. 
  14. TrueHoosier62

    IU Football 2014 Recruiting Class

    I don't know what to expect this year. I had high hopes for last year, but the defense was depressing. I sometimes wondered if putting blindfolds on the lot of them would have improved their play.  :biggrin: Let's hope Knorr works out. If we can get marginal improvement on that side of the ball, and the schedule is favorable again, we might have a chance to see a bowl game. I've haven't heard. Did Sudfeld transfer? 
  15. TrueHoosier62

    IU Football 2014 Recruiting Class

    On the small size,but if he can hit like a ton of bricks, who cares? lol What our count up to now?
  16. TrueHoosier62

    IU Football 2014 Recruiting Class

    Your handling of the football recruits/news/signings should receive some kind of award for excellence. It's the main reason I come here. Unbelievable job General.
  17. TrueHoosier62

    (2014) DE Robert McCray to IU

    We need to get bigger and faster on defense. If Knorr is any good, we could start to see more W's and less L's as early as next season.
  18. TrueHoosier62

    Thoughts on Crowd Booing CTC/ Players?

    Jesus, this is nuts. I wrote a scathing opinion, based on the topic, and got villified for daring to call it as I see it. Do i sometimes see things as "black and white"? Sometimes, I sure as hell do. So pull up your big boy pants and get over it. The responses to my original post were far more demeaning, smarmy, and belittling, (not that I care one iota, but as a matter of observation), than anything that I wrote. I might also point out that I was providing my opinon on CTC, not on any one person on this forum as the rebuttals clearly were aimed solely at me. Disagree with me all you want, but don't question my motives or intentions or accuse me of being a troll simply because my arguments piss you off. Save that word for the people who you know for a fact are only here trolling, not for those who've been here for a number of years and you just don't like what they have to say. Additionally, If we're going to allow people to speak their minds here, (and I believe that you do encourage that), then the replies have to be disagreements in principle, not avenues to denegrate or dismiss dissentors. Otherwise, you can hardly expect things to not escalate in a hurry, be it this thread or any other.
  19. TrueHoosier62

    Thoughts on Crowd Booing CTC/ Players?

    Amen Frodaddy10. Preach it.
  20. TrueHoosier62

    Thoughts on Crowd Booing CTC/ Players?

    Did I really say I hated Crean? I don't recall saying that. I might have said he wasn't a good coach, or that he's not capably of winning a Championship, but you're the youngster here, so perhaps your memory is better than mine. Thirty years ago or 10 years ago, it doesn't matter. Time can't erase the greatness achieved by former teams and coaches, and which current teams and coaches will be measured. Surely you're old enough to understand that concept, yes? Troll? Nope, not even close. I'm just not they type of person who can look at the mess that's running up and down the court these days and make excuses for it, or pretent its some burgeoning championship calibur team. You don't like absolutes? Ok. I apologize. We have the same chances then, of winning a championship, as does Nebraska. Better? Relax, take a deep breath, have another beer. Enjoy the evening. We're only expressing opinions here, not debating world affairs.
  21. TrueHoosier62

    Thoughts on Crowd Booing CTC/ Players?

    Let's get something straight. I was a part of Hoosier Nation, then migrated like others to that mistake of a site "who's name must not be spoken", then back here to B'Town Banners, after it got up and running again. I know perfectly well, the type of people who are here, and they're the same people who were saying the same things years ago. They just want to get along and sing kumbayah, and think lovely thoughts of basketballs being dribbled though flowered meadows in March whilst someone sings "We shall Overcome" on a flute. That's fine, I suppose, if we were talking about Champaign, or West Lafayette. Not Bloomington.   "We understand his limitations as an ingame coach"? Really? This is your sum total assessment/critique of the coaching capabilities for CTC? I'm not a Crean hater, but I am old enough to remember what actual greatness resembles, and he ain't it. Coach Knight was. His teams were. If I'm in the minority, so be it. But he has the titles to show it. Crean doesn't.....and won't. That is one thing that has become patently obvious by now. If that upsets the milk and cookies crowd, sorry.
  22. TrueHoosier62

    Thoughts on Crowd Booing CTC/ Players?

    Bob Knight, please come back. They know not, what they are doing.  
  23. TrueHoosier62

    NCAA Tournament?

    Our team has a better chance of having their way with a busload full of nuns than they do of making the tournament.
  24. TrueHoosier62

    Thoughts on Crowd Booing CTC/ Players?

    No, that dude doesn't hate Indiana. That "dude" simply refuses to drink the Koolaid. Those who want to pooh pooh criticisms of the team, and pretend all is just fine, are the same kind of fans that one can find in wonderful abundance in West Lafayette.
  25. TrueHoosier62

    Thoughts on Crowd Booing CTC/ Players?

    I know, I feel the same way.