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Everything posted by TrueHoosier62

  1. TrueHoosier62

    the Tom Crean equation

    Tom Crean is to basketball, what gasoline is to a match.   Both should be kept the hell away from each other. Far away.
  2. TrueHoosier62

    I want Tom Crean to stay

    I remember Doug Altenberger quite well. He was a nice, gritty guard, and I think he was from a high school called Peoria Richwoods.  
  3. TrueHoosier62

    Blackmon Thread

    According to personal trainer Ron Jeremy it does.
  4. TrueHoosier62

    (2015) C Thomas Bryant to IU

    I wish we could say that Yogi was the lousiest of great defense, instead of the greatest of a lousy defense. It would mean a bit more. As it is, they were all underwhelming on that side of the ledger, so no one should come away unscathed. 
  5. TrueHoosier62

    Rival Site Topic

    Not true.    72% of us here at B-Town Banners want Tom Crean   ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................     shipped to Pocatello, Idaho..................       strapped (appropriately enough), to a defenseless mule.
  6. TrueHoosier62

    Rival Site Topic

  7. TrueHoosier62

    Rival Site Topic

    By any chance, do they have cookies and milk over there?
  8. TrueHoosier62

    (2015) C Thomas Bryant to IU

    Just intercepted this on the net, going to Thomas Bryant.   @Jim_Boeheim: Dude, I've been dreaming about you a long time. I mean, really intense dreams. Of course, I can't provide details or stuff like that or the NCAA will be up my ass again, but I've had them just the same, and you need to know it. I've "Creaned" some guys from the team, (thought you'd get a chuckle out of that one) just for you, so you'll be the star attraction. And in case you've forgotten, your mother wants you here too. I'll see what I can do about the Mazda.
  9. TrueHoosier62

    I want Tom Crean to stay

    I'd have said that he reminds me of a modern day Lou Henson, who with the help of assistant Jimmy Collins, consistently recruited burger boys out of the Chicago public school system for the University of Illinois back in the 70's and 80's. He improved their fundamentals and made them physically bigger, but they constantly and consistently underachieved against superior coaching and more cerebral players. I'd have said this if it weren't such a slam against Lou Henson.  Crean's teams do not attain any level of fundamental soundness, mental toughness or self discipline, no matter how long they stay at IU or are immersed in his "system". The faces change, (and change quite a bit), from year to year, but the results are pretty much the same. 
  10. TrueHoosier62

    Rival Site Topic

    When discussions are censored because someone clearly steps over the line, and has become brutally, personally, aggressively insulting, it's one thing. When it's censored in order to keep the outside supporters of the site happy, that's another matter entirely. ProFootballTalk.com used to be a decent site, ran by Mike Florio. Florio allowed people to pretty much say anything and get everything off their chest, (you talk about freedom of expression!). Then he sold out to NBC, and everything changed. NBC wouldn't allow things like "The Turd Report", or other less than flattering depictions of the NFL because they themselves are tied to the NFL. Now, you can hardly write anything that's at odds with what Florio and his staff endorse. Doing so will either get you banned or your post deleted. A ton of people have quit going there. From the sound of it, I wouldn't take the time type ITH in my web browser.
  11. TrueHoosier62

    I want Tom Crean to stay

    ^This^ x 1,000. 
  12. TrueHoosier62

    The 2015 NCAA Tournament Thread

    I wish our fan base could get a coach that we were over the moon for. As it is, we only want to send the current one to it!
  13. TrueHoosier62

    I want Tom Crean to stay

    I think anyone with even a modicum of basic business skills would question the return on investment, the annual turnover, the cost for doing business, and of course, the product being peddled. If this were a business, Crean would have been fired four years ago, along with half the employees.
  14. TrueHoosier62

    Blackmon Thread

    Streak shooter with visions of grandeur, no defense, and a "my career comes first" mindset. By the end of the year, he looked like he was running a male escort service to the hoop for the opposing team. I don't care care who you are, what your name is, who your daddy is, or what your placement was in the voting for Mr. Basketball in the state of Indiana, that description of a basketball player shouldn't be recruited, coddled or encouraged at IU. What stinks is that I can still watch IU style basketball, (unselfish, defense minded, smart, strong willed, great effort guys), but in order to do so, I have swallow my own vomit while seeing it practiced at Wisconsin. If JBJ wants to transfer or quit, or go in to the witness protection program, I couldn't care less. Until we start loading our rosters with people who put IU first, and who're committed to staying more than a season, we'll keep seeing players who only want to use us as an arena for showcasing their embryonic talents for the NBA.
  15. TrueHoosier62

    I want Tom Crean to stay

    Anyone who quotes the Peter Principle, gets an A+ from TrueHoosier62, and Tom Crean is the poster child for it. Well played sir.
  16. Top ten ways you know you’re about to get Creaned   10. You arrive for a shoot around and your ID card won’t work to let you in the building   9. Martha the mop lady scores more than you do.   8. Your coach takes you aside to ask what your second choice in schools was before coming to IU.   7. You draw the short straw in the “get the hell outta here” game   6. You notice that your jock strap has an expiration date   5. Your tab at "Big Red Liquors" has been shut down   4. Dan Dakich refers to you as “possibly the Stanford Robinson of next year’s team”   3. Mike Pence and the Indiana legislature pass a bill that prohibits you from sauntering in to Assembly Hall   2. You utter the word “Defense” one too many times in the locker room, causing those around you to move away. Very far away.   1. Coach Crean phones, telling you to come to his office and bring in the play book and your one hitter
  17. TrueHoosier62

    Tom Izzo

    The difference between Bob Knight or Tom Izzo, and someone like Tom Crean, is that that both Knight and Izzo could take an entire team of walk-ons and by the end of the season, they'd be good at something, (most likely defense and rebounding). Give either of them just a modicum of talent and they'll contend for a title the Big Ten. Load their rosters with burger boys and they'll win a national championship. In order for Tom Crean to just be competitive, he has to have 3 and 4 stars dotted across the lineup. A loaded roster might get you a Big Ten championship and a birth in the sweet sixteen, but nothing more. The problem is, Crean's teams don't develop at the same rate or to the same extent as other teams. By the time the kids either graduate, transfer, or get "Creaned", they're likely no better than the kids Calipari turns away. If ever there were a bigger indictment of Tom Crean and this program, it was last night's MSU win by Tom Izzo. If Fred Glass thinks Tom Crean is the answer, then he needs to go back and watch Bob Knight's team films or this year's MSU squad as examples of what a great coach can and should be expected to do at this level.
  18. TrueHoosier62

    (2015) C Thomas Bryant to IU

    I see a post like this and I have to wonder if the Mods are setting me up. lol I'm not bitin'.
  19. TrueHoosier62

    Tom Crean to Alabama Rumor Thread

    I wish I had your faith or your flask and you had my eyesight. lol JBJ was the worst of the lot, but hardly the only offensive defender, (now there's a paradox!). Yogi, with all his speed and quickness, was caught countless times napping on defense. "Help" defense, which as the name implies, depends on others helping out, was nowhere to be seen. Ultimately, in order for us to win another championship, we have to play lights out on defense, and I have strong doubts that this coach has it in him, or has the ability to transfer it his players.
  20. TrueHoosier62

    Tom Crean to Alabama Rumor Thread

    There is nothing, I repeat, NOTHING, that a kid like Bryant could do next year to rectify a team so completely devoid of defense. Lew Alcindor at 18 couldn't fix this ship. This is a systematic issue, not a talent or athletic issue, and it's just too bad that we likely have to go through yet another year of false hopes, and wasted time, waiting for Fred Glass to learn what everybody else already knows. I need a nap.
  21. TrueHoosier62

    Fishing chat and pics..

    :lol: Well played sir.
  22. TrueHoosier62

    Fishing chat and pics..

  23. TrueHoosier62

    Fishing chat and pics..

    Are Redfish good to eat? They look almost like a first cousin to a Carp.
  24. TrueHoosier62

    Tom Crean Chant

    Tom!! Welcome to B'town Banners!!  :yes:
  25. You guys are rockin' the joint! Great replies. Carry on.