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Everything posted by TrueHoosier62

  1. TrueHoosier62

    Best players you have played against.

    Not me, but my father played against Bobby Plump in 54', lost to Milan in the sweet sixteen.
  2. TrueHoosier62

    BTB NFL Survivor/Pick'ems

    About time Natty. I signed up for the college pick em' again, and am now waiting for you to get the Pro's up an running.
  3. TrueHoosier62

    Football Poster

    I suspect the powers that be at IU, felt we stood a better chance of being invited to a bowl game, if they did away with the road games on our schedule. :yes:
  4. TrueHoosier62

    Here we go again

    Welcome aboard Terry!
  5. TrueHoosier62

    BtownBanners Welcomes......... Terry Hutchens

    I was wondering the same thing. Not that this is an apples to apples comparison, but when PFT aligned themselves with NBC, the censorship went straight through the roof. Apparently, NBC has an image to protect, or so they think. lol
  6. TrueHoosier62

    Preseason Predictions

    I just want the damned season to get cranking!
  7. TrueHoosier62

    BIG site related announcement Friday at 12:00pm ET!

    If I thought it would work, yes. Do you have his pink slip written up yet? :-)
  8. TrueHoosier62

    BIG site related announcement Friday at 12:00pm ET!

    Did we pool all the money we had to buy out Tom Crean?
  9. TrueHoosier62

    Antonio Allen

    I take it back. We're actually worse than Baltimore
  10. TrueHoosier62

    Antonio Allen

    Basketball, football, baseball, it doesn't matter. If you recruit players with questionable backgrounds and habits, you're going to eventually get burnt. We already have in the basketball program, and now we have in the football program. These incidents are on the coaches and the AD, pure and simple. We've become the freakin' Baltimore Ravens of college athletics.  I don't feel sorry for Antonio Allen, one damned bit. He's just another punk who wasted his talent, wasted his life and wasted everyone else's time. Now he can be a world class organ grinder in jail with a cell name of "Tallulah". Next...
  11. I am SO ready for football. Fall cannot come fast enough for me.
  12. TrueHoosier62

    Prayer Thread

    Please accept my condolences Southside. Grandparents are special people, and no time is ever the right time for us to lose them. I pray for peace and comfort for you and your family during this time of grieving, but also remind you of the promise we have in faith that we'll be with them again one day, in a far better place.
  13. TrueHoosier62

    DD And Hanner gone

    Nope, just thinking aloud.  :D
  14. TrueHoosier62

    DD And Hanner gone

    Sweet Jesus, help us all
  15. TrueHoosier62

    DD And Hanner gone

    And when/if they crash and burn next season, it'll be the loss of DD and HMP who'll be used as an excuse to "wait another year" or "give Crean another chance" tripe that we readily hear. 
  16. TrueHoosier62

    DD And Hanner gone

    To an extent, everything on here is speculative. Wildly? I don't think so. Seven years of watching his teams play, gives sufficient evidence to their lack of discipline. The last eighteen months to two years of police blotter material, speaks sufficiently to Crean's lack of institutional control over his charges, and their own lack of self-discipline. So it can hardly be called "wildly speculative" to question the true source of such an action as dismissing two promising players from the team, when to date, Crean has shown little stomach for such things.
  17. TrueHoosier62

    DD And Hanner gone

    I agree. Crean's teams have no discipline on the court, and even less discipline off it. At some point, he has to be the one who gets reprimanded/suspended/excused, since it was his selection of recruits, his failed mentoring, his failed coaching and his suspect oversight. And while Crean evicted DD and HMP from the premises, it's difficult to give credit to him for something that should be done anyway, regardless of who's coaching in Bloomington. Compounding matters, one gets the distinct feeling that this wasn't his call, or at most, only his call; and that speaks volumes to the greater issue here. What does it say about Crean if McRobbie or Glass have to lean on him in order to get anything done about a problem? 
  18. Devin and Hanner, Sittin' in a tree, S*M*O*K*I*N*G First comes matches Then comes fire Next comes Glass With a brand new hire
  19. Having read that article for the first time, it really makes the University look bad, as if there's no institutional control in Bloomington. There's no getting around it, there's no defending it, and there's no amount of spinning that will make it look sunnier.Taking the steps they did does nothing to change the fact that it did happen, or that once again, we have to put out a fire at IU and put a steak over a black eye of our own creating.  Nor, as someone else astutely pointed out, can it enhance our chances with the parents of high level recruits who may be contemplating IU as a landing spot for their son. Luke Fisher looks smarter by the day.   I wonder how many other "incidents" it'll take before something has to give, further up the food chain?
  20. I think most of the posts here are right, (ie. I don't think there is a right or wrong opinion on the matter). Smoking dope doesn't carry the same societal stigma is once did, but it can still speak to poor judgement on the behalf of the user when such little regard is shown towards one's own history and team rules. Given the number of people on the team who seem to display such a common absence of judgement, it's not out of the question to wonder if this is symptomatic of a larger issue? Do the players respect Crean? Clearly some do, but apparently not all. Do they respect the University, and the rule of law? Again, some do, but not all. Are they committed to putting aside their recreational pursuits in order to attain greatness? Sadly, I think too many are not. I don't follow enough of the other teams to know if this is part and parcel of today's college athletic scene, of if it is more indicative of a select few universities in which IU happens to reside? If the former, then we may have to adjust our way of thinking towards such antics, accepting that this is the new "norm". If the latter, it may be Crean who needs the adjustment.
  21. TrueHoosier62

    Typical ESPN crapola

    What has confounded me about IU's football team is that while our defense has sucked, our offense has been able to put points up on just about anybody not named Wisconsin. Like many of you, I thought that if we'd just have an average defense, we'd net out an additional two or three wins a year, and that ought to put us in a good position for post season play. Well, our defense showed improvement last year, from wretched to merely bad. Of course, it was then our offense's turn to tank, with Sudfield going down, and a freshmen forced in to action, way ahead of schedule. What can we expect this year? Even with so many question marks, and negative history surrounding our football team, we ought to be 3-0 heading to Wake Forest. Whether or not we can beat Wake remains to be seen. They sometimes field a decent team. With a bit of luck, and a revived offense, we might be 4-0, coming home to face....Ohio State? I'd like to think we start out the Big Ten 1-3, making us 5-3 at the bye. Then we have Iowa at home, a rebuilding Michigan at home, Maryland on the road and the scum of the earth in West Lafayette. Surely, we can find one more win out of that motley crew. If I don't have confidence, than at least I have hope.  :yes:
  22. TrueHoosier62

    Summer Updates/Progress

    I wonder if anyone is working on their defense this off-season? Or ball-handling skills? Or rebounding? Or decision making? Or substitution patterns? Or driving skills? Or drinking skills? Or EMT certification? Or....
  23. TrueHoosier62

    Report: IU vs UK series may return by next season

    And what UK/IU thread would be complete without the requisite UK joke?   A Kentucky father goes to the doctor one day......   Doctor: "What can I do for you"? Dad: "I need to get some birth control". Doctor: "You need to get some birth control"?! Dad: "No, it's for my daughter"! Doctor: "Oh, I see, I see. Well, is she sexually active"? Dad: "No, she just lays there; just like her damned mother".
  24. TrueHoosier62

    Is Banner 6 a realistic possibility?

    1.) Who the hell is Gordon Bloyer? I don't even see a post in this thread from which to "quote" him. 2.) Do we have a realistic shot at winning it all next year? That depends on if you can believe that Duke, Kentucky, Michigan State, Wisconsin, Louisville, North Carolina, and about five other teams, all fail to qualify for the tournament. To me, that doesn't seem realistic. If they do make it, then you have to believe that a Crean coached team can out play, and out smart any of those teams, and their coaches. Is that realistic? I don't think it is. Listen, I'd love to hang another banner in my lifetime, and I love the fact that Thomas Bryant is coming to IU. I love the fact that Yogi is staying and saying feisty things. But as long as Crean is the coach, I have a hard time believing we'll be able to field a team capable of beating even one of those teams when it counts, much less two or more, as would likely be necessary. Sorry if I sound like a wet blanket, but I'll reserve my optimism and hope for next year's team until I see them do something that Crean's teams have yet to show in seven previous years; sustained tenacious play, lights out defense, and mental toughness.
  25. This really isn't "news", but thought it funny just the same. Frankly, I thought their assessment was a bit harsh. I've been to West Lafayette on a few occasions and found the women, though decidedly larger than most, warm and friendly. Indeed, they seemed quite content to stand out in their fields, chewing quietly.     http://www.indystar.com/story/sports/college/purdue/2015/04/24/big-ten-college-town-rankings-west-lafayette-purdue-bloomington-iu/26300011/