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Everything posted by drock161

  1. drock161

    College Bball Thread

      VCU trying to take back the momentum, they had it down to 7 a moment ago.
  2. drock161

    College Bball Thread

    Saint Joseph's is up 14 but is playing ANGRY. One player ejected and 5 minutes later one almost got into a fight over a held ball. The ejected player had 2 technicals called back to back. Double technical on the held ball. You'd think they would play a bit smarter/calmer being up double digits.
  3. drock161

    College Bball Thread

    I may or may not be streaming this from the podium while I teach today... Sorry kids, the teacher may be a bit distracted!
  4. drock161

    College Bball Thread

    People are right, that red 3-pt line business is super annoying.
  5. drock161

    Big Ten Tourney Non-Indiana Game Thread

    Woodbury tried to call a time out while falling out of bounds. Ref didn't catch it, Woodbury is pissed
  6. drock161

    Big Ten Tourney Non-Indiana Game Thread

      You should also get watchespn, or at least I did a couple of years ago. Plus the dorm cable comes with BTN. It's a nice little perk!
  7. drock161

    (2016) SG Grant Gelon commits to IU

      Paraphrasing your quote here to ask a specific, slightly off topic, question. This may fit better on the creaning thread, I'm happy to move if so.   In today's CBB world where transfers are so common, both for players wanting more playing time and because coaches "force kids out" to make room, is it possible that some coaches fill an extra scholarship position as a "placeholder" or sorts? Someone who they know is expendable that they could either keep for four years but also isn't so valuable that they put them there just so they can force them out the next year for a 4 or 5 star? I could see it being a backhanded sort of strategy, the coach can use it to show a new recruit how badly they want them to commit: "Look, I'm willing to force this player out for YOU." It could also backfire (coach isn't dedicated to his players, revolving door, etc.) but to a one-and-done 5 star does that matter as much? I'm not at all saying GG is one of these (if this is even a thing), but given all of the creaning talk over the past few years and the players we've picked up who can't/don't/won't contribute, it struck me as a possibility.
  8. drock161

    Game of thrones

      Ok I could think of two that could stir the pot a bit!
  9. drock161

    Game of thrones

      I have a guess, which means I'm probably wrong. But I could think of a person that would not only have been foreshadowed, but stir up a lot of awesome stuff!
  10. drock161

    Game of thrones

      There was a ton of bad writing in season 5 but I think that they're going to wrap some of it up and clean it up a bit. - In Dorne, poisoning Myrcella is their short way around a huge plotline in the book that could possibly have Trystane (in the show) start to pursue Dany. That could be a super interesting plot coming out of seemingly nowhere (but not really, see how loyal the Martell's were to the Targaryans) that has HUGE implications on everything. - Sansa wasn't supposed to be with the Boltons. I think what they were trying to go for was that giving the Bolton's Sansa rightfully secures the North for them, giving Littlefinger a very powerful ally for him to later exploit. He would then be running the North (through the Boltons, which I think would've backfired, Roose is too smart and Ramsey is too crazy) AND the Eerie. He would basically control 2 of the 7 kingdoms, and that's before you factor in his ties to the crown. Obviously that plan failed with Sansa and Theon ran, but at least they tried, right? - Brienne's actions completely fit her character. She's the epitome of honor, she isn't someone to go on a killing spree just to grab Sansa. She's straightforward, stubborn, and WAY too innocent. Basically the opposite characteristics of someone who wants to succeed in Westeros. - Stannis fails for similar reasons to Brienne. He's honorable, straightforward, and predictable. I don't like how his story happened in the show. He's much too thorough for that sort of thing to happen, but I think the writers were trying to show how obsessed with the gaining the crown and seduced by Melisendre he's become. - I think the Bolton's are being protected by plot armor. They have a lot to do with what's coming so they need to stick around haha. - Jon's stabbing in the show only covered one of the many reasons he was stabbed in the books. They've lowered his story into a single dimension (they picked wrong one if you ask me) which oversimplified it. But given all of the theories floating out there (R+L=J, Azor Ahai, etc.), it's very possible that he's not done and they were just trying to get to this point so they could make the next epic thing happen. - I wish they would delve deeper into Arya's identity crisis. It's so good, it's so well done in the books. She becomes CONSUMED with revenge and the only way she can think to accomplish it is requiring her to throw it away. Again, oversimplification. - Now the Unsullied are the greatest warriors on the open battlefield. They aren't meant to be city guards or anything. So that's not a plot hole. But there's a ton of depth to her character and struggles that's being skimmed over, again I assume to get to the next arc. Her time on the Dothraki sea is going to be major, both in her relationship with Drogon and her development into the badass conqueror we know we all want her to be. I also think it's how they'll connect the Greyjoys (the others besides Theon, Balon's brothers) into the show story.  - Bran is coming back. They reached the end of his story in the book at the end of season 4, I'm assuming they didn't want to venture further until the rest of the characters were caught up.   Sorry for the wall of text, here's my point: I agree there was some terrible writing this past season. I can see what they were trying to do in some spots, but still, meh. But there's a lot coming that's going to be awesome Things are going to start connecting and fecal matter is going to hit the fan! Also, if you're looking for a good reading investment, read the books. They're incredible, absolutely amazing. If you thought the show was detailed, you know nothing. The world he creates, maintains, and develops is so realistic (not the magic but the politics, relationships, motivations) that it's near impossible to put down. Also a lot of the story will make more sense. Give it a shot, you won't regret it! I'm even due for a reread...
  11. drock161

    Game of thrones

      I think the Tower of Joy would be a HUGE one to see.
  12. drock161

    Game of thrones

      Belwas was out a long time ago. He and Coldhands are great characters but don't have enough impact on everything that happens to need them. They'll just pawn their actions off on other characters (Daario and Jojen). I don't think LSH will be coming around either, especially with changing Sansa and Theon's story. Sansa's new story disappoints me a little. I like where she was going in the books and feel like that's going to lead her to becoming some sort of political weapon that backfires on her "father." I also think the show is going to reveal more about what happened either during Robert's Rebellion or during Ned's childhood. Apparently they brought in Ian McShane for some stuff that will "bring back a character we didn't think we'd see again." Maybe he's going to play Ned's father? Or even the Sword of the Morning, which could shed some light on R+L=J? I'm getting too excited now...
  13. drock161

    Game of thrones

      Some parts but are completely different so there's nothing so spoil. The Dorne storyline is very different (missing characters, different plot/motivation behind including it), everything that happens in the North is altered, a lot of the stuff in the Free Cities has deviated. I do enjoy them as different forms of entertainment so I'm not too concerned about spoilers. But some things will be very fun to see happen in both in very different ways. I can't wait to see how Jon's (is he one of the heads of the dragon?!) and Arya's stories happen, and what impact Tyrion can make in the free cities.
  14. drock161

    Game of thrones

    That trailer got me way too excited for this new season! I can't wait to see how everything unfolds and if they bridge the gap between the show and books. I've been biding my time by reading too many fan theories that could fit into both versions, I want to see how wrong we all are!
  15. drock161

    IUBB Pick'ems Game #31 vs. Maryland

    Wow it's a close race! I guess that just makes victory that much more exciting?
  16. drock161

    College Bball Thread

      Green Bay up 7 with a minute left. They're terrible at the line though
  17. drock161

    College Bball Thread

    Just saw on twitter: Green Bay's RADIO ANNOUNCER was been ejected by the officials and then let back in a few minutes later. Very weird...
  18. drock161

    2017 IUBB recruiting

      Thanks for the translation, it would've taken me WAY to long to figure it out!
  19.   We've had some good luck with our most recent shorter PG!
  20. drock161

    The Official Btown Banners Beer Thread!

    I tried Illusive Traveler this weekend, their grapefruit shandy. I'm a big fan of Traveler's pumpkin beer, Jack-O-Traveler, so I decided to give it a shot. Pretty good, very grapefruity! Definitely a good one for the beer drinker who doesn't like that beer taste very much. Not hoppy, not bitter, but still recognizable as a beer.
  21. drock161

    The Official Btown Banners Beer Thread!

      This is one of my favorites too. I missed the release for cans this year but caught it on tap once.
  22. drock161

    5 Reasons Why This IU Team is Different

    It amazes me how versatile some of our players are. Max doesn't back down when battling bigs down low but can also swing out and hit a 3. Bryant has had a couple of decent looking drives from the top of the key this year, OG plays lock down defense on anyone. We played a line up of 5 forwards for a decent stretch yesterday with Morgan at the point. A freshman forward played point and didn't look half bad doing it, and that line up went pretty well! Troy's 3 point shot is improving, Hartman is all over the place, and Rojo has a great shot and a pretty good drive. And Yogi is just... well, Yogi! It's really fun seeing all of our players be able to produce from multiple spots. That's part of our success spacing the floor and makes us such a nightmare for other teams to play!
  23. drock161

    Big ten seed predictions

    That is very true.
  24. drock161

    Big ten seed predictions

      I disagree, it's hard to beat a team 3 times in one season. If we can stay physical down low then I like our chances against PU, especially given their shooting woes outside of Mackey.
  25. drock161

    Senior Day Speech Link

    Hm? Facebook link "ended" hopefully BTN works soon?