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Historic turn around for defense?

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This! I cringe when I see people say "defense is all about effort". It's also largely about fundememtals and IQ. I learned so much about defensive fundementals and positioning, how to properly hedge and fight through screens, etc in college.

We were putrid at the fundementals of defense. Guys constantly playing straight up and down, constantly with their hands down, constantly turning their back to the ball and while others watched the ball with their back to their man. It was awful.

The good news is those things can be corrected. Hopefully they will be, we'll see.

Our defense wasn't just horrid, it was hot garbage fundamentally.  We'd get caught flat footed and "ball-you-man" may as well have been heiroglyphics.

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Two years ago (the year Vonleh was here) we were a top 50 defensive team according to Pomeroy. That team with Vonleh was WAY less talented than last year's team. The difference? A defensive minded big man to clog the middle. Of course our wings weren't good defensively last year but adding a big man as a second line REALLY helps. It's like having a good secondary in football. You could have the best or worst D line but if you have a good secondary it makes a big difference, and vice versa.

We also had Yogi, Gordon, Will and Stan putting in the effort on the perimeter. There just wasn't any effort last year. It was an embarrassment of a season.

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We also had Yogi, Gordon, Will and Stan putting in the effort on the perimeter. There just wasn't any effort last year. It was an embarrassment of a season.

A year of experience will help the guys this year plus adding Bryant in the middle

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We need a historic turn around on D


I doubt there has ever been a chance to make such a huge turn around, but we need to be top 100 at least. I am hopeful, and doubtful that we will get there, but I believe in the team to make those strides. The talent is there.  

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Dray Dray was so good. Especially when he started hitting to 15-17 footer. Really improved over time.

 Draymond Green looked a whole lot like Emmitt Holt his freshman year.A year of weight training will do wonders.

Holt has a decent looking midrange jumper but was forced to play totally out of position last season.

 If and it's a big IF we could ever have two bigs on the floor at the same time I think we could see a very effective 4 man in Emmitt.

I really hope he's around for 4 years because he could really become a special player.Another big IF.

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We still need to hire a assistant coach right? Hopefully he or she has a defensive mind.

We will know the end is near if we hire "she" to over see Tom Crean's defense.


The perimeter defense needs to improve dramatically.  I don't care if it means we trap, play more zone, use more length (Williams) on primary ball handlers, or what....but the penetration we allowed last season simply cannot happen again.   We don't have any new perimeter players, so that's going to have to happen organically, and I'm not sure I believe it can get that much better...but it has to.  And we need to strive for a +5 or better rebounding margin in every single game so we don't allow as many 2nd chance points.


 Those two things happen (and I mean minimal improvement on the perimeter), Indiana will be a top 100 defensive team and also very dangerous in the post season.   I honestly think our offense will improve substantially because of the personnel and lack of turnover.  Zeisloft, for example should be a much bigger factor this season with a year in this system under his belt.   And maybe I mean just more efficient.    I see perimeter defense and rebounding as the two main areas we need to shore up and I'd love to see those listed as cultural and identity items every year.

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We will know the end is near if we hire "she" to over see Tom Crean's defense.


The perimeter defense needs to improve dramatically.  I don't care if it means we trap, play more zone, use more length (Williams) on primary ball handlers, or what....but the penetration we allowed last season simply cannot happen again.   We don't have any new perimeter players, so that's going to have to happen organically, and I'm not sure I believe it can get that much better...but it has to.  And we need to strive for a +5 or better rebounding margin in every single game so we don't allow as many 2nd chance points.


 Those two things happen (and I mean minimal improvement on the perimeter), Indiana will be a top 100 defensive team and also very dangerous in the post season.   I honestly think our offense will improve substantially because of the personnel and lack of turnover.  Zeisloft, for example should be a much bigger factor this season with a year in this system under his belt.   And maybe I mean just more efficient.    I see perimeter defense and rebounding as the two main areas we need to shore up and I'd love to see those listed as cultural and identity items every year.


I can see Bryant as being a plus rebounder in most games, Holt at the 4 would be a plus rebounder, Williams and JBJ on the wings would be plus rebounders too.  Maybe we need to just revert to the MSU style of our best offense is an offensive rebound and put back.  We could pair that with transition and we should be alright. 

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I love TB and all but the kid isn't Anthony Davis. He will have an impact defensively but not near enough to be Final Four worthy IMO. A defense in the 125-150 range would be a huge jump for this bunch.

All TB has to do is play as good as D as Vonleh. Vonleh's year here we were in the top 50 defensively. I think TB will come in playing a lot better than what Vonleh came in doing. From  the few high school games Ive seen of Thomas Bryant he plays a lot more passionately and "hungry" than Vonleh ever did. 

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I can see Bryant as being a plus rebounder in most games, Holt at the 4 would be a plus rebounder, Williams and JBJ on the wings would be plus rebounders too.  Maybe we need to just revert to the MSU style of our best offense is an offensive rebound and put back.  We could pair that with transition and we should be alright. 

Definitely.   We "can."    No doubt about it.    Be careful not to put too much into Bryant.  He doesn't move laterally very well yet....still growing into that body.   He'll help; but he's not going to be dominant.   Holt has a HUGE role this season, and we will miss Davis and Parea.   We have too many shooters for our best offense to be anything but up and down, penetrate kick and rotate.  We're exceptional when we do that....especially if we use Williams in the role Zeller played. 

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Definitely.   We "can."    No doubt about it.    Be careful not to put too much into Bryant.  He doesn't move laterally very well yet....still growing into that body.   He'll help; but he's not going to be dominant.   Holt has a HUGE role this season, and we will miss Davis and Parea.   We have too many shooters for our best offense to be anything but up and down, penetrate kick and rotate.  We're exceptional when we do that....especially if we use Williams in the role Zeller played. 


I agree with most of that but if we want to win the BTT and go deep in the NCAAT we need to have the ability to play multiple styles of ball.  In the past, the best way to beat a Crean team is to junk it up.  If we show we can beat teams like this we will definitely win more games and go farther in the tourneys.

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I agree with most of that but if we want to win the BTT and go deep in the NCAAT we need to have the ability to play multiple styles of ball.  In the past, the best way to beat a Crean team is to junk it up.  If we show we can beat teams like this we will definitely win more games and go farther in the tourneys.

If by "junk it up", you mean "take away the transition game" or "run a zone and laugh" then we completely agree.

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