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  1. Like
    Artie86 got a reaction from HoosierMama23 in Candidate Thread: Brad Stevens (Boston Celtics)   
    Covering all his bases...The Boston Brass may not be happy with his job as a GM. 
  2. Like
    Artie86 got a reaction from HoosierMama23 in Candidate Thread: Brad Stevens (Boston Celtics)   
    Covering all his bases...The Boston Brass may not be happy with his job as a GM. 
  3. Like
    Artie86 reacted to IUwins0708 in Candidate Thread: Brad Stevens (Boston Celtics)   
    Yep, I’ll admit I took the bait on Donovan (although I still think he could’ve been our coach if Glass didn’t give him a deadline) but this is way way different.
  4. Like
    Artie86 reacted to Certified Sunshine Pumper in Candidate Thread: Brad Stevens (Boston Celtics)   
    Honestly... that's kind of what I've been thinking all day. 
  5. Like
    Artie86 reacted to IUwins0708 in Candidate Thread: Brad Stevens (Boston Celtics)   
    That isn’t far from what I’ve been told, at least timeline wise.  I didn’t ask for details on where they ate or anything.  And trust me if St Elmos wants to hide people during a pandemic it wouldn’t be that hard.  Manning has said many times he had a secret entrance and exit from that place.  
  6. Like
    Artie86 got a reaction from Evariste Galois in Candidate Thread: Brad Stevens (Boston Celtics)   
    True, but IMHO, Trojan Horse is better.....Then finish things up with a "half yard" at the Irish Lion....lol
  7. Thanks
    Artie86 got a reaction from MemphisHoosier in Candidate Thread: Brad Stevens (Boston Celtics)   
    I guarantee the late, great MileHiIU (HSN) is smiling down on all of us now. If he was still with us, his name would be right there with these two.
  8. Thanks
    Artie86 got a reaction from MemphisHoosier in Candidate Thread: Brad Stevens (Boston Celtics)   
    I guarantee the late, great MileHiIU (HSN) is smiling down on all of us now. If he was still with us, his name would be right there with these two.
  9. Like
    Artie86 reacted to IUwins0708 in Candidate Thread: Brad Stevens (Boston Celtics)   
    I don’t mind being questioned at all, all I ask is if/when I’m wrong on things (not this one) that I don’t get a bunch of PMs basically calling me anything but a human.  That’s what soured me on HSN, even though 90-95% of the board was/is great.  
  10. Like
    Artie86 reacted to Ctrojan88 in Candidate Thread: Brad Stevens (Boston Celtics)   
    HSN transplant here supporting 0708’s credibility....he is solid.  Outside of a few recruit flips here and there, he has been spot on a vast majority of the time.  When he speaks, I listen......I have always appreciated his willingness to share what inside info he has.
  11. Like
    Artie86 reacted to Capt. Crimson in Candidate Thread: Brad Stevens (Boston Celtics)   
    Here's the post for those who don't want to go digging... 

  12. Like
    Artie86 got a reaction from Evariste Galois in Candidate Thread: Brad Stevens (Boston Celtics)   
    True, but IMHO, Trojan Horse is better.....Then finish things up with a "half yard" at the Irish Lion....lol
  13. Like
    Artie86 reacted to Me So Hornsby in Candidate Thread: Brad Stevens (Boston Celtics)   
    I feel as though the beauty of message board insider information is the anonymity and the questions that arise. 0708 is well known on one of TOS's. I've always felt like this is the best Forum for IU athletics and am glad he is here now. At the end of the day he owes us nothing to verify his knowledge, its on us to take info with a grain of salt and listen to the others around here to get an idea of who/what to believe. 
  14. Haha
    Artie86 reacted to Capt. Crimson in Candidate Thread: Brad Stevens (Boston Celtics)   
    After this saga concludes I may need 3 full yards.
  15. Like
    Artie86 reacted to Dalton26 in Candidate Thread: Brad Stevens (Boston Celtics)   
    I dont think you intentions are bad, but there will be no outing anyone or their sources. If things get too out of hand the mods will discuss it with the person. Peoples privacy is extremely important here.
  16. Like
    Artie86 reacted to IUwins0708 in Candidate Thread: Brad Stevens (Boston Celtics)   
    Mile (Ken) was a great man that I never met other than just the message board messages.  Wish he was here to enjoy the future of IU because he was a true Hoosier!
  17. Like
    Artie86 reacted to IUc2016 in Candidate Thread: Brad Stevens (Boston Celtics)   
    Lol it is your decision to listen to what a poster shares on here. Take it or leave it, but don't call them out for it and act like they owe you anything. 
    Thank you EVERYONE for what you bring to this board. Lets all just enjoy the ride, GO HOOSIERS.
  18. Haha
    Artie86 reacted to IUwins0708 in Candidate Thread: Brad Stevens (Boston Celtics)   
    I’m not going into complete detail of who I am and how I know things.  The Sampson buyout was completely different then what was in the contract because of his infractions so there’s that on that side.  My sources come from a few different levels in the AThletic Department.  I’ve missed on several recruits and been right on several more when thinking they were coming to IU.  On HSN i told them Archie was going to be fired and that the feelers were out out in January.  That’s all your going to get, if it’s good enough you are welcome, if not sorry about your luck. LOL
  19. Thanks
    Artie86 reacted to Trish in Candidate Thread: Brad Stevens (Boston Celtics)   
    0708 is the insider for HSN. HSN went down after the Archie news. So he’s over here now. 
  20. Confused
    Artie86 reacted to ray in Candidate Thread: Brad Stevens (Boston Celtics)   
    I don’t want to discount or discredit any insider connections 0708 may have. I hope he heard it from the horse’s mouth (or another mouth VERY close to the horse, which I’m guessing it would have to be in order for what is assumed to be a short list of people who will know before anyone else) and that’s why he was so confident that it’s already a done deal. I’m not familiar with 0708, and I am certainly not discounting what he may have heard from some other unknown-to-me source or what he actually knows with certainty (which are two VERY different levels of accurate information), but it’s not like any of us assumed Sampson would be getting a pay raise after his moronic additional phone calls and the buyout would be public knowledge (any state employee can be looked up by anyone and find their salary and contractual agreements/buyouts can be done by simple math). If this “insider” info is his one calling card (and it may not be, but that’s all I’ve heard him claim), then I’m hesitant to believe he has any true certainty it’s a done deal. 
    I appreciate any insider info you (0708) and anyone else can offer us, and it appears that gobs of other members on this site believe what 0708 says is golden (based off the likes and loves of his posts). If you (0708) can share with us (those, like me, who know nothing about you) some other important Nostradamus-like predictions you’ve successfully made in the past, then I’m grateful to become privy to such insider information you’ve had access to in the past. Again, I appreciate your input and anyone else’s on this site. Please don’t take this as a personal attack, as it is quite the opposite. I’m just trying to gauge the reliability of someone posting on a site which I’m not familiar with. And, please people, refrain from attacking me for wanting to innocently learn more info about 0708 and what gave him the confidence to so bluntly proclaim a “done deal”. I have witnessed the honesty and insider knowledge of Chris because I’ve been checking in to this site for some time. I’m just not familiar with 0708, and I would love to trust in another with reliable insider info. 
    Thanks in advance if you should wish to “introduce” yourself and your inside track. If you choose not to, then please know I can understand that completely. Obviously, you owe me nothing. I will appreciate all your input regardless, like I do with “nearly” every poster on this site. 
  21. Like
    Artie86 reacted to tdhoosier in Candidate Thread: Brad Stevens (Boston Celtics)   
    Stevens should take back Kauffman ala Eric Gordon. Just to set the tone for the future. haha. 
  22. Like
    Artie86 reacted to Certified Sunshine Pumper in Candidate Thread: Brad Stevens (Boston Celtics)   
    Good thing Brad Stevens is a Hoosier.
  23. Like
    Artie86 reacted to Evariste Galois in Candidate Thread: Brad Stevens (Boston Celtics)   
    I felt on HSN that the tone really shifted on CAM when he whiffed on Kauffman.
    The language Dolson said about playing basketball that players want to play for reminded me of the discussions after that miss. From my understanding, there was no question Kauffman wanted to play for IU...
  24. Thanks
    Artie86 got a reaction from MemphisHoosier in Candidate Thread: Brad Stevens (Boston Celtics)   
    I guarantee the late, great MileHiIU (HSN) is smiling down on all of us now. If he was still with us, his name would be right there with these two.
  25. Thanks
    Artie86 got a reaction from MemphisHoosier in Candidate Thread: Brad Stevens (Boston Celtics)   
    I guarantee the late, great MileHiIU (HSN) is smiling down on all of us now. If he was still with us, his name would be right there with these two.